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  1. #21
    I haven't played many MOBAs, so I'll just tell you about the two I've played a lot.

    Heroes of the Storm - Most friendly for new MOBA players. It's a bit different than most other MOBAs for several reasons.
    -You can use mounts while not in combat, and there are quite a few mounts to buy/earn. There are lots of other collectibles now as well, including emojis for chat, sprays for the ground, voice lines, special game announcers, and banners (for when you kill a tower).
    -They have promotions for their other games fairly regularly (Warcraft & Overwatch mostly).
    -Every map has a gimmick to do (payloads, disabling the enemy towers, shooting lasers at the enemy's towers, etc).
    -Most new characters are ones that you can look forward to if you're into other Blizzard games.
    -You choose the character you want to play, then queue up for a match.
    -There are talents you choose while you level in games that affect all of your spells, or add new ones.
    -No armor/weapons to buy during the match.
    -You can (kind of) play any combination of heroes and do well - some more than others, of course.
    -You level together as a team based on the amount of minions, enemies, camps, and towers that you kill. The two teams can be different levels, but everyone on your team is the same level as you.
    -You don't see much art in the game (aside from map loading screens) - you see the full model of your character before you even play a game.
    -You can use skins for characters you don't own - you can play them when they're free during a week.
    -Every level you get for a character (by playing matches), you get a loot box that can have collectibles or currency, similar to Overwatch.
    -There's a rating system at the end of each match similar to Overwatch, but it doesn't mean anything to vote or not. Just bragging rights?

    League of Legends - The "intermediate" difficulty of MOBAs, as I've heard it called. There's a bit more structure to it than HotS.
    -While there are a few maps, there's really only one map that you'll spend the most time on - Summoner's Rift. It's a fairly standard 3-lane map, and the other maps are different shapes and sizes. The vast majority of people will play Summoner's Rift, and the queues for those are almost instant.
    -There's a fairly strict set of roles that most people do not break (tank, support, ADC, mid-laner, and jungler) - you can go outside of this template, but few people will be happy about it.
    -You queue up for a match, then choose your character to play as - it can be fun at times, frustrating at others when someone gets the character you want first.
    -You level up individually during a match by killing minions, heroes, or jungle mobs, meaning that some people could be way ahead or way behind on your own team. Likewise, you might be way ahead or behind the enemy's levels.
    -Instead of talents, you buy armor and weapons during the match to enhance your abilities.
    -You can buy runes to enhance your champions in different builds in the client (if you want them to do more damage, or take less damage for instance).
    -Getting the last hit on an enemy AI/Player is important during matches, because you need your individual levels - there's also an honor system of not "kill stealing" from an ally.
    -Most abilities do not harm enemy towers, only auto-attacks. Some older champions do have abilities that harm towers though (like Garen).
    -You won't see the model of your character in the client until you start a game. However, the champion art is beautiful and quite accurate to the models/skins.
    -You need to own a champion to purchase a skin for them.
    -At times you can purchase a Mystery Gift (skin or champion) for yourself, but you can purchase them anytime for someone else.
    -At the end of each match, you can give people accolades for their efforts (or report them) with a button. Giving people positive accolades (helpful, team player, friendly, or honorable opponent) can give them a special banner for their name plate during loading screens - when they've earned enough.

    That's pretty much all I can think of. In my opinion, between the two, neither is better or worse overall. There are times when I want to just play an easy game, and HotS fills that void. Other times, I need a bit more strategy to make myself think, and LoL does that perfectly for me. I've heard that DotA 2 is a few steps above League of Legends as far as strategy and difficulty, but I haven't tried it myself.

    I will say, however - League has WAY better skins than HotS, and I feel their spell effects look a little better.
    3 hints to surviving MMO-C forums:
    1.) If you have an opinion, someone will say that it is wrong
    2.) If you have a source, there will be people who refuse to believe it
    3.) If you use logic, it will be largely ignored
    btw: Spires of Arak = Arakkoa.

  2. #22
    None of them. They require way too much playtime to keep up since every patch something get changed.

    Hots is terrible and I REALLY advise against it, it's only alive 'cause it's blizzard marketing that keeps it alive.

    Lol is pretty fun in the beginning but then it becomes frustrating as you try to climb and it takes a LOT of time to get good.

    Dota 2 only tried it once so I don't really know but it looks like it's made for nerds so.

    If you really want to play a moba play lol, not that piece of shit of a game called hots.

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