1. #1

    Demo Legendaries

    I have almost all the Demo legendaries...are recurrent ritual and kazzak's final curse still bis for raiding? Those are what I'm still using but with the new traits and such should I be using other ones?

  2. #2
    Shoulders and Ring (wilfred) are actual bis, for single target. Kazzaks still not bad for fights where doom can tick on multiple targets.

  3. #3
    Shoulders and ring are the best for raw potential. Shoulders for single target and the ring providing a universal boost.

    Belt is still great if there's multiple targets present for Doom to tick on as it also opens up Impending Doom to usage.

    You can swap the combinations as you need to suit each fight. Awesome that you got all 3.
    Quote Originally Posted by Connal View Post
    From my perspective it is an uncle who was is a "simple" slat of the earth person, who has religous beliefs I may or may not fully agree with, but who in the end of the day wants to go hope, kiss his wife, and kids, and enjoy their company.
    Connal defending child molestation

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