1. #1

    Disc T20 set bonuses

    Just curious about T20 set bonuses, an increase to damage or healing to first bolt of penance. In current state u never heal with penance exception of pvp. Anyways, set bonuses dont work in pvp. Are they trying to bring direct healer aspect of disc into game as an alternative? Like current pvp style can be played in pve? Would u be interested?

  2. #2
    In 7.2.5, The Penitent is now baseline, so it can be used as a single target heal if needed.
    I like having that option now for a quick spot heal.

  3. #3
    what to heck

  4. #4
    Remember Tier 18 with the Super Penances? This is that all over again. At least the Tier 20 4-pc bonus involves two different spells.

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