Bear with me, I am not here to look for a fight but simply to have a healthy discussion about how we could take this game's PvP into a brand new direction to breathe some fresh air into the game for everybody involved.

Please, feel free to include your own opinions and describe in detail how you might go about it yourself, you can even include what YOU would do if you were the lead PvP developer.

Now if I were the lead PvP developer, I'd do the following:

- Delete flying from Azeroth, this idea will be hated by a lot but flying is one of the biggest factors in why WPvP has died out.

- Delete CRZ, force players to socialize with their own realms, to police them, to work together to create a new community that'll have it's own rules, it's own quirks and qualities that no other realm will have. It'll allow players to get to know each other and thus they'll be more likely to work together should their cities come under attack or if a raid is being created.

- Take out rewards from arenas, keep them around for something fun to do in the meanwhile, nothing too serious.

- Reintroduce Vanilla Honor System, players will be rewarded honor for killing enemy players and lose honor by killing lowbies/low level guards and gain ranks going from Grunt/scout all the way to High Warlord/Grand Marshal, defending cities will grant increased honor, raiding cities and successfully sacking the king or queen will grant you 50 marks of WSG/AB/AV each, and you will gain a new title and mount from it, effectively changing the current achievement's rewards to freshen up the game a little bit, although I'm thinking of allowing players to choose their preferred title/mount so they can go for the old one or the new one.

- Design and produce 3 brand new BGs, maybe 1 type of game mode each, 3 flag cap/base holding for points/all out PvP like AV maps.

- Get rid of PvP templates, reintroduce resilience into PvP gear and allow sockets for gemming into particular stats again, reforging comes back too.

- Reintroduce old WOTLK talent system, it'll be similar to the current honor talent system Holinka created but it'll actually provide options to players in how they create their character's game play. I will introduce sub talents for each main talent which will allow players to pick a particular gameplay style. E.G: Resto Druids have a current gameplay of applying HOTs and forgetting with occasional casts.

The sub talent could allow a completely different style of gameplay, like applying AOE type heals where you can place up to 4 efflorescences in a particular zone and they sprout mushrooms that you can directly apply HOTs to but you won't be allowed to directly heal your allies, the more HOTs you apply to your mushrooms, the stronger the heals become, and the further apart the mushrooms are, the less they heal and they'll get stronger the closer they are to each other. These mushrooms will produce AOE healing for your partners and allow you to strategically place them in areas to provide healing in tight spots.

Another example would be using the Prot Warrior spec and allowing it actually be useful in PvP without being a typical damage absorb bot that does absolutely nothing for their team. I had something in mind for it similar to that Overwatch game character that can produce a huge shield to protect his team behind him. Perhaps the Warrior could create reinforced walls that'll stay rooted in place for 20 or 30 seconds and that'll prevent the enemy from hitting through it and must go around, and likewise, the Prot Warrior's team cannot hit the enemies through the wall either. However heals may travel through if they are on the Warrior's team but the heals will be reduced by 50% and can be dispelled no matter what for balancing purposes. The Warrior's damage will be vastly diminished in exchange meaning their main purpose with this talent will be to provide absolute protection for their team.

Those are just suggestions for the sub talents that I had in mind for all the classes.

- Possibly adding a mercenary mode? Where you will have a bounty on your head that occurs when a player has been killing X amount of players, this bounty will also be a small buff that'll allow increased honor gains but at the risk of being seen on the map by a marker. The players who kill the target with the bounty will be rewarded with X reward, no clue what would be a viable reward. This again is just an idea and it is similar to Grand Theft Auto 5 so I agree with you if you say that this idea is pretty shitty. But I want to find things that'll get players going out of the cities into the world again.

- Completely renovated PvP system where we will have two huge World PvP islands similar to the scale of the Isle of Quel Danas where you will be able to produce a team of 3 and go around slaying enemy teams for marks of honor, every 1k marks of honor will grant you a title and a small reward like possibly a minor enchant for your weapons. Each player killed will reward 1 mark of honor, so it's a very long grind and it's endless fun, I am thinking of adding even more ranks in later patches to allow maxed out players to progress even further and have more rewards for their efforts here.

These two WPvP islands will be COMPLETELY separated from the world of Azeroth, they will be in a phase of their own, you will have the REAL world Azeroth where the Vanilla honor system is in place which will grant you rewards with different looks and different title names, different mounts and the WPvP islands will be the same but the rewards will look different despite being the same kind of rewards. This will allow players to choose how they play the game, arena players who are used to the 3v3 arena system can transition to this WPvP island gameplay and fit in comfortably while players who feel like they're more into BG oriented type games with large scale battles can choose to stay in the vanilla honor system world. They can also choose to play both, there is no limit to what you can do.

Rewards for each rank will grant you...

1. Tyranny enchant that will increase particle density as your rank goes up

2. Tabard that will have improved details and looks as your rank goes up

3. Elite set for each rank that will have improved details as your rank goes up

4. Towards the last 3 or 4 ranks, mounts will be rewarded and they will go like this as your rank goes up: Unarmored, Slightly Armored, Heavily Armored and Full Plated Armored. That way there can be a distinction between each player with certain mounts and they will feel rewarded for achieving something fantastic and feel motivated to push to the next one if they wish to.

5. Glyphs that will allow cool special effects on your abilities that'll look awesome and can even create an "aura" around your character to show what rank you are.

6. If you trade in 100 marks of honor or you trade in 20 WSG/AB/AV marks, you can purchase an enchant modifier that'll allow you to add increased special effects to your enchants or mounts, such as mongoose lightening or perhaps blood draining illusion to create an even crazier effect to suit your own looks.

7. WPvP island marks of honor can be traded in for fun WPvP items such as nitro boots and rocket launchers, I am still thinking that this may be a bad idea so maybe scrap this idea, could test it on PTR to see how players receive the idea but I doubt they'll enjoy having to try to kill players who've farmed more marks of honor nitro boosting in and out when they nearly die. So this idea is still a WIP!

- The old WOTLK talent system means that when you enter PvP combat, a bar will automatically drop down with all your abilities that you placed there with that laps over your PvE abilities, meaning that you won't have to readjust or add them all back again.

- Reintroduce glyphs, enchants and gems overall, allowing players to modify what their character's stats and strengths/weaknesses were was an insanely fantastic aspect of the game that allowed us to tailor our own characters around our gameplay, this needs to come back hands down.

- Delete Ashran, probably lol.

These changes will reward players at all levels of skill to be rewarded, they won't be FANTASTIC rewards but they should be rewarded for achieving certain ranks even if they aren't good ranks. ALL players need something to aim for, this current system where the only reward is at 2k and that's the elite set, it means that new players or casuals would have to shoot from 0 rating to 2k rating which in their minds may not be worth it, but if there is a carrot on a stick to keep them going, to keep them going for "that one epic set" they really, really want and they see that they're progressing with all the rewards they receive on the way, it'll increase participation in PvP in general and we'll have tons of more old players and new players alike flowing in again eager to try out this new system and see if they like it.

These changes are supposed to reiterate World of Warcraft's "spirit", it's "essence", what World of Warcraft PvP truly represents in my opinion are large crazy battles, raiding cities and killing off their kings/queens and taking over for a few hours, dueling your friends or enemies that you may have a feud with, huge 40v40 battles happening randomly all over the world.

Just riding around the world with your friends, sun shining on your face as you try to find more allys to kill and live in the total fantasy of World of Warcraft.

What do you think guys?