(posted in Class Development forum on B-net)
Give VDHs a 4pc we might actually equip?

We're not complaining about all our changes (well at least I'm not, and the reasonable Illidari I hang with in Discord aren't), or even about how it feels like we might still be in flux. We're demon hunters, being in flux/aka 'twisting nether' is part of the package.

But the current T20-4pc was designed by one team at Blizz while another team at Blizz was making it obsolete. At least I assume that's what happened. Can't imagine they talked to each other about it, unless both were deaf to feedback from the PTR.

I embrace our new Spirit Bomb overlords, but wish I could look forward to collecting a tier set in ToS.

If you want suggestions (i.e., if you want me to be solution-oriented and suggest something rather than just complaining), I would point out that it's pretty cool we have THREE ways to consume souls now for a power up (Barrier, Cleave, and Bomb), even though two of them are spec-dependent and one will be less used. So instead of attaching our 4pc to any one of them, keep to a buff for each soul consumed. Could be 400 versatility per soul, or 1 second off CD for Meta. Something like that. I personally like the 1 second off Meta per soul consumed.