1. #1

    Largest XP you've gotten? (stimpack only)

    Just had a 60+ min game on mines and ended with 712,000xp earned.

    Stimpack only, solo queue QM queue.

    Also one of the funnest games ever.

  2. #2
    Think i had a 500.000 once. it was quite nice. my longest game ever were 45min. 60+ is insane

    Also as a sidenote... its really demotivating playing without stimpack when u are used to it, so long between loot boxes. but thats probably what blizzard want you to feel. hope the gem levelling reward will be buffed abit, maybe 300 gems every 25lvl.

  3. #3
    5 man TL with stim, had 1.7m once.

  4. #4
    Had about 800,000 experience on dragon shrine. Constant fight over the statues and trying to get the DK for their side. Game lasted a good 50mins+ which was annoying but somewhat enjoyable.

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