1. #1

    Can anybody get this Healing Rain weakaura working properly?

    I found this Healing Rain weak aura a while ago which tracks the amount of people currently standing in and getting healed from Healing Rain. Unfortunately it only seems to track up to 6 people and never any more than that. Anybody able to fix this? Or perhaps direct me to one that works?


  2. #2
    Healing rain only ever heals up to 6 people. You can only get an estimate on whos in it by the healing ticks that those type of spells do.

  3. #3
    Aye, was too OP when it healed *everyone* inside so they gave it a target cap of 6. What's the Rain macro you have for # of targets, that would be neat to have. What I really need is something to tell me the Resto 4set is active for Big Rains.

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