Nihilum isn't far behind, the final competition for the world first kill of Lady Vashj is open.

You can check all their guild members stats here, don't hesitate to visite our new Armory !

Their raid was (click names for their Armory page):
Warrior (2)
Kungen, Zucchero
Priest (3)
Muqq, Thargan, Wuked
Paladin (3)
Awake, Nessaj, Sepha
Shaman (2)
Ghorok, Neg
Druid (3)
Marilyn, Rulah, Scheelah
Mage (4)
Ekke, Frakt, Hath, Quantz
Warlock (4)
Buzzkill, Clinkz, Emperorhorus, Wrathed
Rogue (3)
Bollebob, Cloze, Inthya
Hunter (1)