1. #13461
    When I can't use Backstab, specifically because I'm not behind the target (but I guess it's basically the same from either perspective).

    The idea would be:

    if Backstab isn't usable
    but I AM in melee range
    and I DO have 35+ energy

    then I must not be behind the target, change bar color.

  2. #13462
    Quote Originally Posted by Tore View Post
    When I can't use Backstab, specifically because I'm not behind the target (but I guess it's basically the same from either perspective).

    The idea would be:

    if Backstab isn't usable
    but I AM in melee range
    and I DO have 35+ energy

    then I must not be behind the target, change bar color.
    The thing is that Blizzard protects a lot of these API calls like positioning & facing. So theres NO way to let weakauras check this.

    The 'action usable' doesnt work for backstab.
    The only thing you could try is to check the combatlog/errormessages for "You must be behind the target". But it requires you to trigger the button at least 1 time before the message pops.

    Then it's easy. Just make 2 overlapping energybars which toggle on/off vice versa under certain conditions.

    Or you just create a Colorchanging frame around your bar..


    I gave my very best and here's the outcome..

    da1YDaqici0IiaxIac(KaOrjfoLi1Qea6veqAwQICluu7sa5xIKkdJs6yeYYuL6zQctdI6AOiBJa9nOKXrOCockVtv  uZtKuL7jfTpOu6GsjlKI6HeQMif0fHiBKc1hPanskGtsjwjk8sbuntbYnHsXojYpfjgkbzPcqpvLPsuxvG6Req1zjG  O3kayUIKCxcOSxK)cfdgCyPAXuKhlOjdvxMQndHplIrlL60I61eunBHUnk1Uj1Vjz4uQJlsQQLJQNdPPl56QQTtH8D  vjJhkvNhLSEbuMViPSFLjrKmDDsMk6qP7DGefiRbsKG0XMoC6Wjz6q9icHuzDrN5uKLtbBccjJLPJ7jzLwMLTtxcx9  TPt)zlZZjjohLKerxgNoK0opH1aZ9qHJwDt0fvDCsMUpQJjm2rrPR4FNoUk6KmDS)XktYurfD4zeiYH)yXIKPJ9pwz  sMkQOR6rxxKmDS)XktYurfDHXokkjthAwNeD6cykgmyKOIoEp0jz6y)JvMKPIkQOZXUDxJ74KzQOlKKjjrKmDypfei  q9IKewGSA9TiHH1BbzsW3mrhRuqGa1lYyMX6TyilmKfgtIj6TWegwIEtiygzMOdHsxgh7jO0LsWYbzrcj6IQoojt3h  1XODJCozIUQhDDrY0X(hRmjtfv0HA7HKmDOzDs0jjr0X(hRmjtsIiZK0dYmvurhEgbIC4pwSiz6y)JvMKPIk64QOtY  0X(hRmjtfv0fg7OOKmDOzDs0PlGPyWGrIk6(OoMWyhfLmthVh6KmDS)XktYurfv0X9KSslZY2PR)5DtDoDzDUWeQyB  h9YXjjr0vo2Rp3PdPOrbBzGKIZMUkZ25gR0fDifnkyldAflMnwPl6mP44o3Ig1lsseDMuCCNBUhkCCUYMUtfZ40HNr  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Y0X(hRmjtfvurhEg1o2zDvpu4O0jqiKoUNKvAzw2oD5qLMUSoxycvSTJE54KKi6Y40zgjdyrYq6cmLInjznqIOlufv  CsMKEtgZKvrmHfwpWY6Bbr2QvXEtiyMjKjPhKXyjmrVFBvqKTISibrwWhcsiyMjMOIUooEUYkDpIP45KeNJsYKKisM  UINtsCojtxXY2PdT61hLUV2nY1fD9FPOZw9Y5yu2oVxkoDyBt6(OogB1lNtMPZnY1fDcPE5C6q)MCJCDje3rKXoDNq  ifuq0H(n5g566(iqKXoDyeV1jJ5KBfqz6(OoMVoxKz6(6CrNDSZY50zRE5C6EWeDHF0sXgt7mUtxLz74ur3xx8CsIZ  jzQOIk66HvwPrjz6qRoViz6WvyqvFnozMou1xJtNfD5Ce9qpvTWXvA0ujW9UWB95D0ujK6LZB95DuSXXZ9uDQVghnv  cfSK4giqQKe6qvFnoMW2DT2J0HnD0Y5urfDVY4vBssqR0H9uqGa1lYySe0QiKTISWejmrm9wqKTsiygzHrN(ZwMNts  Cokj9MoChTxFEVCYmDOvpu4OcPY6IoZPilNc2qfv0zejjc53IOIi
    Just for my personal interest: Do you really think its necessary? You just need it for pvp and theres too much movement and buttonmashing to be helpful. Your concentration on the energybar is unecessary in a pvp envyronment. Normally you dont need a perfect energymanagement in arena since you trigger your hotkeys anyway until theres enough energy.
    Last edited by Platinengel; 2015-10-21 at 09:00 PM.

  3. #13463
    I eventually went and did it the error message way. Not perfectly ideal but it's good enough if it's the only way to get it done.

    I'm brand new to Rogue, just got it to 100 a few days ago. I'm usually so intently focused on not fucking up the rotation that I'm not paying much attention to anything else, and sometimes the boss/mob moves just a bit out of the way and I don't notice until I hammer Backstab a few times. I'd just like some instant and obvious way to recognize that my Backstabs aren't going off.

  4. #13464
    Mh..okay. Sorry but its the only possible way.

    When you play pve content you will get into the positioning very very fast. Especially when raiding starts. There are several other melees you can orientate on and you learn how these fights work and when to stand where.

    have fun.

  5. #13465

    The lower icon is SUF addon, the upper is blizzard default. How do I make SUF show numbers (like blizzards debuff). Tough it was OmniCC that messed it up, why SUF dosent do it, but wasent.

    no idea now.
    Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/djuntas ARPG - RTS - MMO

  6. #13466
    Quote Originally Posted by Djuntas View Post

    The lower icon is SUF addon, the upper is blizzard default. How do I make SUF show numbers (like blizzards debuff). Tough it was OmniCC that messed it up, why SUF dosent do it, but wasent.

    no idea now.
    If you use OmniCC, you need to either make these icons bigger in SUF or change "minimum icon size required to display text" in OmniCC's settings.

    If it doesnt work, try reinstalling OmniCC. Normally it works just perfect.
    Last edited by Platinengel; 2015-10-25 at 04:44 PM.

  7. #13467
    Quote Originally Posted by Platinengel View Post
    If you use OmniCC, you need to either make these icons bigger in SUF or change "minimum icon size required to display text" in OmniCC's settings.

    If it doesnt work, try reinstalling OmniCC. Normally it works just perfect.
    Fuck I love this thread, high shit. Every time I post here....Now I even got omniCC to work properly.....
    Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/djuntas ARPG - RTS - MMO

  8. #13468
    Quote Originally Posted by Djuntas View Post
    Fuck I love this thread, high shit. Every time I post here....Now I even got omniCC to work properly.....
    lolz^^ Glad it works.

  9. #13469
    Trying to add a 1px border on skada which isnt overlapped by the bars, so far no success.
    I've been googling a little and found this.

    				-- Initialization of bars.
    				bar = mod:CreateBar(win, barid, barlabel, data.value, win.metadata.maxvalue or 1, data.icon, false)
    				bar.id = data.id
    --- insert this ---
    				if not bar.bg then
    					local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, bar)
    					frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", bar, "TOPLEFT", -1, 1)
    					frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", bar, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 1, -1)
    						edgeFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=], edgeSize = 1,
    						bgFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=],
    						insets = {left = 1, right = 1, top = 1, bottom = 1}})
    					frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .3)
    					frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0, 0, 0)
    					bar.bg = frame
    Sadly this breaks my Skada and kills my fps down to 2 for some reason.
    Anyone has any idea how to solve my issue without to much hassle?
    (yes im aware KGpanels works but thats the backup plan if all else fails)
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfric Trumpcloak View Post
    People on this site hate everything. Keep that in mind.

  10. #13470
    -- Initialization of bars.
    				bar = mod:CreateBar(win, barid, barlabel, data.value, win.metadata.maxvalue or 1, data.icon, false)
    				bar.id = data.id
    --- insert this ---
    				if not bar.bg then
    					local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, bar)
    					frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", bar, "TOPLEFT", -1, 1)
    					frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", bar, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 1, -1)
    						edgeFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=], edgeSize = 1,
    						bgFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=],
    						insets = {left = 1, right = 1, top = 1, bottom = 1}})
    					frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .3)
    					frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0, 0, 0)
    					bar.bg = frame
    But this isn't your revised version of the code, right?

    Why dont you switch to Details?

    Its better in every way and has onboard Customizing options like borders and more.


    Found this:


    If you wanna stick with skada, this should do the job just fine There are youtube tutorials, too, if you need them.
    Last edited by Platinengel; 2015-10-27 at 10:47 AM.

  11. #13471
    Quote Originally Posted by Platinengel View Post
    Found this:


    If you wanna stick with skada, this should do the job just fine There are youtube tutorials, too, if you need them.
    Great find. I've been looking for something like that!

  12. #13472
    Quote Originally Posted by Woolock View Post
    Great find. I've been looking for something like that!
    took me 2sec in google

  13. #13473
    Quote Originally Posted by Platinengel View Post
    Why dont you switch to Details?

    Its better in every way and has onboard Customizing options like borders and more.
    Problem is im using an addon called DeX, and for some reason when i change colour for my dmg font in it, it changes the window colour of Details(??),
    but il have a look at beautycase for sure. thanks
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfric Trumpcloak View Post
    People on this site hate everything. Keep that in mind.

  14. #13474
    And if you change the color in Details, it affects your font-color?

    Strange...sadly I cant find any informations for DeX. But I know of other addons that change your font-colors and maybe there is one that wont affect Details?

  15. #13475
    is there such addon, that yell at my face, when bonus cache is rewarded for queueing as tank/healer in random hc?

  16. #13476
    Quote Originally Posted by Tokas View Post
    is there such addon, that yell at my face, when bonus cache is rewarded for queueing as tank/healer in random hc?
    I use http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/lfg-call-arms-broker

  17. #13477
    So been searching for 2 hours now, either im dumb blind or it just doesnt exist, but im looking for a cleanicons or any skin that makes wow icons 1px border circles instead of square (without having to edit every spell icon in gimp and import them)

    Edit, found; adding for future reference and google searches.
    Last edited by Sunnydee; 2015-10-28 at 09:21 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfric Trumpcloak View Post
    People on this site hate everything. Keep that in mind.

  18. #13478
    Was going to recommend masque, good find though.

  19. #13479
    Anyone know how to set frame padding in Grid2 to 1px? I know how to do it with Grid but I have reasons for wanting to use Grid2. I've tried altering the padding and spacing values in the GridLayout file as well as the Grid2 file in the WTF folder but I'm not having any luck.

  20. #13480

    How do I remove weakauras white text, so its just omniCC numbers that shows up?

    I know OmniCC can make these things called groups, but dont quit get how that is done :s
    Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/djuntas ARPG - RTS - MMO

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