1. #14961
    Quote Originally Posted by ComputerNerd View Post
    Not using ElvUI, so can't test personally.
    But looking at both that and LS Toasts im guessing at the following, in ls_Toasts_Rehok.lua

    toast.Icon1:SetFont([[Interface\AddOns\ls_Toasts_Rehok\media\Expressway.ttf]], 16)
    toast.Icon2:SetFont([[Interface\AddOns\ls_Toasts_Rehok\media\Expressway.ttf]], 16)

    For consistency, I would put them at line 18 after those defining toast.Title at 17 and 16.
    Thanks for the suggestion! I had a strong feeling that it would have to be added code, I've dabbled enough with Lua & AddOns over the years to normally, figure out how to edit what I want.

    Unfortunately, I C&P'd them right below line 18, and the results in game, were that Toast Windows don't show up at all.

  2. #14962
    Quote Originally Posted by eXtOphius View Post
    Thanks for the suggestion! I had a strong feeling that it would have to be added code, I've dabbled enough with Lua & AddOns over the years to normally, figure out how to edit what I want.

    Unfortunately, I C&P'd them right below line 18, and the results in game, were that Toast Windows don't show up at all.

    Looked through the code now as i couldnt earlier, Put

    toast.IconText1:SetFont([[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\Homespun.ttf]], 12) -- Just using ElvUI Font as a test
    toast.IconText2:SetFont([[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\Homespun.ttf]], 12) -- Just using ElvUI Font as a test
    Anywhere in it (if you want consistency like @ComputerNerd said put it in those lines)

    So as i had it with that i got it looking like

    I'll see if i add code to add an option to link in with SharedMedia to the options menu (No promises tho ), Not sure if Lightspark has plans to do that.

    Edit, If you plan to use a pixel type font you will need to set a Font Flag so you would do below ofc picking whatever Font Flag you like the most

    toast.IconText1:SetFont([[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\Homespun.ttf]], 12, "MONOCHROME", "OUTLINE") -- Just using ElvUI Font as a test
    Last edited by Rehok; 2017-08-18 at 08:18 AM.

  3. #14963
    I have mentioned before, my UI is completely messed up. Too many overlapping mod packages, I think. So I'm going to be building my preferred UI in stages. I'm hoping I can count on help from all of y'all. :-)

    The first stage is the framework of the UI. I want to clear everything out of the top 2/3 of the screen, so I have a clear view of the action (so, with the camera all the way out, I can see if there's any "bad stuff" behind me). Right now, the player frame and target frame (from ElvUI, moved by me, so my fault) are about in the middle of the screen, and there's Weak Auras and some form of buff meter (overlapping, of course, so I can barely read anything) filling the space in between, over, and around these two frames.

    I intend to copy WTF and then delete the original, allow the launcher to rebuild a "clean" version, and start from scratch. (Some of the mod packages I downloaded hit other areas, like fonts, so I may have to clean those out, too.)

    I am pretty sure I can take the available Weak Auras out there (from the people who are doing all class/specs) and build something from them to match my desires for those. It'll take me awhile, but I've got some time. :-)

    What I can't do is the following. If these are possible within ElvUI, great! If not, can you tell me how to do these?

    1) Minimap. ElvUI currently breaks the Chat window into General/Combat Log on the left, and Rewards on the right. I'm going to dispose of the right chat window. I'd like to move the minimap down to the lower right corner.

    2) Target and Player frames. I would like to attach the Character Portrait to the Player frame (saw it once in the Post Your UI thread, liked it better than ElvUI's "put a blurry image of your character in the player frame as background"). I'd also like to move the Buffs/Debuffs from next to the current location of the minimap, to attach them to the side of the Player Frame.

    3) Weak Auras. Is there a way to have a WA loaded, but not showing? I'd like to be able to click on a WA and have it appear, so I can see what it's doing, so I can copy the portions I want into my customized version.

    I don't know what I'm going to do with action bars, raid frames, or anything like that for now. I'd just like to get the combat views to the point where I can see what's going on! :-D

    Edit: Okay, on viewing Aok's recent "Post Your UI," I know what I want to do with the action bar (attach one action bar to the side of the player frame, containing the 12 most important abilities to watch/keybind; maybe put the Buffs/Debuffs below) and the minimap (attach to the side of the Chat window).
    Last edited by PragmaticGamer; 2017-08-18 at 12:18 AM.

  4. #14964
    Looking for help on this please

    Quote Originally Posted by Tussinwulf View Post
    Can anyone fix this script or tell me an addon that does it? (Original thread here w w w. arenajunkies . c o m/topic/239000-focusframe-inverter-script/) It inverts the focus frame, problem is, it doesn't put the status text in the right place on the frame (the health # and %). Also, in PVP it doesn't move the prestige icon.

    local Script = CreateFrame("Frame")
    -- xInvert()
    -- Inverts the anchor points of a frame horizontally.
    -- > Frame: Frame reference
    local InvertPoint = {
    ["TOP"] = "TOP",
    ["BOTTOM"] = "BOTTOM",
    ["LEFT"] = "RIGHT",
    ["RIGHT"] = "LEFT",
    ["CENTER"] = "CENTER"
    local function xInvert(Frame)
    local AnchorData = {}
    for i = 1, Frame:GetNumPoints() do AnchorData[i] = { Frame:GetPoint(i) } end
    for _, A in pairs(AnchorData) do Frame:SetPoint(InvertPoint[A[1]], A[2], InvertPoint[A[3]], A[4] * -1, A[5]) end
    -- FocusCastRepos()
    -- Corrects the X-offset of the FocusFrame castbar, to adapt it to the inverted focus.
    local function FocusCastRepos()
    local FocusRight = FocusFrameManaBar:GetRight() * FocusFrameManaBar:GetEffectiveScale() / FocusFrameSpellBar:GetEffectiveScale()
    local CastRight = FocusFrameSpellBar:GetRight()
    local P = { FocusFrameSpellBar:GetPoint() }
    FocusFrameSpellBar:SetPoint(P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4] + FocusRight - CastRight + 2, P[5])
    Script:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
    -- Inverting FocusFrame textures and frames
    FocusFrame.borderTexture:SetTexCoord(1.0, 0.09375, 0, 0.78125)
    FocusFrameFlash:SetTexCoord(0.9453125, 0, 0, 0.181640625)
    FocusFrameFlash.SetTexCoord = function() end
    FocusFrame.pvpIcon:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -149, -20)
    FocusFrame.levelText:SetPoint("CENTER", -61, -17)
    for _, v in pairs({FocusFrameFlash, FocusFrameTextureFrameHealthBarText, FocusFrameTextureFrameManaBarText}) do xInvert(v) end
    for _, v in pairs({"name", "deadText", "threatNumericIndicator", "portrait", "Background", "healthbar", "manabar", "nameBackground", "questIcon", "petBattleIcon", "leaderIcon", "raidTargetIcon"}) do xInvert(FocusFrame[v]) end
    FocusFrameFlash.SetPoint = function() end
    FocusFrame.levelText.SetPoint = function() end
    FocusFrame.Background.SetPoint = function() end
    -- Inverting Focus-target
    FocusFrameToTTextureFrameTexture:SetTexCoord(0.7265625, 0.015625, 0, 0.703125)
    FocusFrameToT:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", FocusFrame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -135, -18)
    FocusFrameToT.name:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 1, 2)
    for _, v in pairs({"portrait", "healthbar", "manabar", "deadText", "background"}) do xInvert(FocusFrameToT[v]) end
    for i = 1, 4 do xInvert(_G["FocusFrameToTDebuff"..i]) end -- Mini debuffs
    -- Correcting castbar position in the next frame (when the anchor changes will be updated)
    hooksecurefunc(FocusFrameSpellBar, "SetPoint", function() Script:SetScript("OnUpdate", FocusCastRepos) end)
    -- Adjusting buff/debuff positions
    hooksecurefunc("TargetFrame_UpdateAuras", function(s)
    if s ~= FocusFrame then return end
    for _, Aura in pairs({ FocusFrameBuff1, FocusFrameDebuff1 }) do
    if Aura then
    local P = { Aura:GetPoint() } -- Anchor point data
    if P[2] == FocusFrame then Aura:SetPoint(P[1], P[2], P[3], 105, P[5]) end

  5. #14965
    Quote Originally Posted by Rehok View Post
    Looked through the code now as i couldnt earlier, Put

    toast.IconText1:SetFont([[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\Homespun.ttf]], 12) -- Just using ElvUI Font as a test
    toast.IconText2:SetFont([[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\Homespun.ttf]], 12) -- Just using ElvUI Font as a test
    Anywhere in it (if you want consistency like @ComputerNerd said put it in those lines)

    So as i had it with that i got it looking like

    I'll see if i add code to add an option to link in with SharedMedia to the options menu (No promises tho ), Not sure if Lightspark has plans to do that.

    Edit, If you plan to use a pixel type font you will need to set a Font Flag so you would do below ofc picking whatever Font Flag you like the most

    toast.IconText1:SetFont([[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\Homespun.ttf]], 12, "MONOCHROME", "OUTLINE") -- Just using ElvUI Font as a test

    Thank you!

  6. #14966
    I'm slowly building my interface. I've got the bare bones started, but have two questions about ElvUI.

    1) I've got two action bars. If I'm in combat, I want the first one to display my offensive/defensive cooldowns and the second one to display cool or situationally useful combat spells (e.g., a taunt; I mostly solo quest, so I already infuriate the mobs :-). If I'm not in combat, I want one to show my secondary skills and the other to show various mounts and out-of-combat stuff. But for the life of me, I've tried "[nocombat]" and "[combat]" and the bars just seem to refer to some other bar, without being any relation to what that bar is (e.g., I had one pointing to bar 5, but it decided to display bar 2). How do you do conditional auto-paging?

    2) Some module of ElvUI puts the Spec/Loot and OH Resources on the main chat window. I purged my WTF folder, and I'm having to rebuild. I don't know what module did that. Any help?

  7. #14967
    Quote Originally Posted by PragmaticGamer View Post
    I'm slowly building my interface. I've got the bare bones started, but have two questions about ElvUI.

    1) I've got two action bars. If I'm in combat, I want the first one to display my offensive/defensive cooldowns and the second one to display cool or situationally useful combat spells (e.g., a taunt; I mostly solo quest, so I already infuriate the mobs :-). If I'm not in combat, I want one to show my secondary skills and the other to show various mounts and out-of-combat stuff. But for the life of me, I've tried "[nocombat]" and "[combat]" and the bars just seem to refer to some other bar, without being any relation to what that bar is (e.g., I had one pointing to bar 5, but it decided to display bar 2). How do you do conditional auto-paging?

    2) Some module of ElvUI puts the Spec/Loot and OH Resources on the main chat window. I purged my WTF folder, and I'm having to rebuild. I don't know what module did that. Any help?
    Your first point you use macro conditions for action paging - https://wow.gamepedia.com/Macro_conditionals so for example

    [nocombat] 2; [combat] 1 would page between 2 and 1 (Elvs Action bar numbers ~= Paging numbers, So you will need to ask in TukUI Discord or look at the action bar code to find the various page numbers)

    2) Those were most likely Datatexts which have their own menu in ElvUI Options

  8. #14968
    I'm close to going back to Bartender for my action bars. When I use Shift + #, I'm not getting the bar I'm expecting. E.g., when I press Shift + 3, I'm getting ElvUI's action bar 5, and when I do Shift + 5, I'm getting action bar 2. (And I've apparently disabled paging action bar 2, so I don't know what Shift + 2 will get me...)

    My next step is doing something with the Player Frame and Target Frame. I don't like ElvUI's version. Can I get some recommendations to try out? Preferably ones that keep my locking the Buffs/Debuffs on top of my Player Frame & Target Frame. I'd REALLY like to get the character portrait (in baseline WoW, the character portrait in the upper left of the screen, and the target portrait that appears next to it) locked to the Frames, just because I think it looks better than the 3D model showing up with ElvUI.

    And is there any tutorial on how to set up Weak Auras? I want to make my first WA (on priests only, shows when Power Word Shield has fallen off, either because its absorption had been exceeded, or because its timer ran out). I think I'll have to make a second one for tracking the movement buff I get from my talents, to remind me "you could go faster, faster, faster!" :-)

  9. #14969


    Ok, last time i redid my ui, was in BC when i changed to 1080p, now its 4k, new hardware blah blah blah, yeah baby.
    i am looking for a new player/party/raid frame that can do a good multiple aura/hot/buff/debuff management as moving bars. that means i don't really need numbers on frames, no icons, only visual bars.
    I did try to update in cataclysm, vent through loads of addons but none did it right then, maybe they are more mature now.
    Here is some outdated visual aid of what i mean (green=renew, white=shield, red=shield debuff, yellow=mending, and so on)
    (Think this one was pitbull+aurabar plugin)
    Anyone of today's frame can do this kind of thing? Thanks for any answer

  10. #14970
    Quote Originally Posted by Rehok View Post
    There isn't any ingame options afaik
    Mate, you're just being mean my toasts always had in-game config

  11. #14971
    The Patient Coxeter's Avatar
    7+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Hello there, fellows!
    A couple of questions coming your way:
    Is there any way to skin DBM or BigWigs to look like the CD bars MeDestruit has?
    What's the best AddOn for customizing nameplates?
    Is it possible to get a rectangular minimap using SexyMap or is the only option to find a old version of LynUI?

    Thanks in advance, best regards, Aard.

    I think everybody's nuts.

  12. #14972
    you should be able to scale/style DBM timer bars however you want from within the config menu, but you may need to get textures or fonts separately (sharedmedia or other packages)

  13. #14973
    Does anyone know how to change the alpha settings for DBM bar backgrounds? I want to make the bar backgrounds fully opaque, and they're defaulted to be about 50% opacity or so. I couldn't find alpha settings anywhere in customization or in the LUA files for DBM (I do almost all my DBM visual customization directly in the LUA files because the in-game customization menu is atrocious). I'm assuming I need to add code somewhere, but my LUA skills are pretty much limited to finding code and changing values.

  14. #14974
    Anyone happen to know if there's a Handy Notes for Argus Chests/Rares yet?

  15. #14975
    Quote Originally Posted by Myzou View Post
    Anyone happen to know if there's a Handy Notes for Argus Chests/Rares yet?
    When there is any information to base it on, there will be.
    Has someone actually compiled that yet, their locations.
    Quote Originally Posted by DeadmanWalking View Post
    Your forgot to include the part where we blame casuals for everything because blizzard is catering to casuals when casuals got jack squat for new content the entire expansion, like new dungeons and scenarios.
    Quote Originally Posted by Reinaerd View Post
    T'is good to see there are still people valiantly putting the "Ass" in assumption.

  16. #14976
    I'm using Elvui and was wondering if there is a way to resize just the Achievement window.
    When work feels overwhelming, remember that you're going to die.

  17. #14977
    Looking for an addon that allows you to check if my guildmates their characters done dungeons +level 10 and above

  18. #14978
    Quote Originally Posted by Myzou View Post
    Anyone happen to know if there's a Handy Notes for Argus Chests/Rares yet?
    Daily Global Check with the legion rares plugin

  19. #14979
    Hello, i dont know if you already done this for some one else but I'm looking for an addon or a weak auras script that track how many players in a raid have a debuff and how many times a player has taken that debuff, like Armageddon in KJ I want to know which players and how many times they soak by tracking the debuff "Armageddon rain" so i can know who is doing mechanic and who not.
    Maybe the amount of a player soak can be printed or something like that so I can see: Player1 = 2, Player2 = 4.

  20. #14980
    I'm SLOWLY getting my UI the way I want. I'm still stuck on the player/target/targettarget/etc. frames. Right now, I have big rectangles with the (full-body, "3D") portraits. My player frame includes health, "class totems" (or whatever they're called; runes for DKs, for instance) along the top, power (e.g., runic power) along the bottom, and a cast bar, with the majority being a large health bar. And I've got buffs and debuffs along the top.

    Too big. Much too big...

    I'd like to try (but it's looking like I wouldn't keep...) getting the Blizzard-UI character and target portraits as the anchors of the new frames I'm building. I don't like the ElvUI look, with either the "face as a semi-transparent background" or the "full-body 3D image on the side."

    I'd like to keep working on the buffs/debuffs section. My current setup doesn't show things like the weekly buffs ("pet battling weekend," for instance.) Those aren't vital, but I wouldn't mind peeling them off to show up by the minimap. But the main this is, the buffs aren't right-clickable (to remove). I'm using the Buffs/Debuffs section of ElvUI's player frame, IIRC, and have deactivated the stand-alone Buffs/Debuffs frame.

    I'm still working on getting the action bars to be trimmed down, and attached to the player frame. I've tried to go "muscle memory, invisible bars," but I'm not that good of a player. I need to glance at my bars to reorient myself occasionally. I tried playing with "stances" (e.g., druid switching between bear/cat/stealth-cat and humanoid forms), but things kept getting messed up, and I couldn't return to previous bars. NOT fun during a fight... If there's an action bar addon that's dependable and user-friendly, I'd appreciate knowing...

    I will be trying to alter Afenar's "36 spec" WA's to fit on my screen better. I kind of (sort of...) know how to move them, but I want to see all of them on the screen at once, including the dynamic "only show up in these situations" ones, so I can know where they're going to appear.

    I've seen the type of work that goes into trying to get priorities into WA, so I'll skip that. I wouldn't mind if I could find out a way to get the action bars to show similar to what the WA's are showing (e.g., the WA is showing that blood plague isn't applied, so my action bars glow to show the two spells that apply blood plague).

    So basically, I'm pleased with the growing amount of clear space on my screen, and the stuff that's actually showing is pure dross. :-)

    Edit: If there's any way to make ElvUI's right-hand chat window (mostly loot notifications) invisible in combat, while leaving the left-hand chat window (mostly social, so I can see group chat) visible, I'd appreciate knowing it.
    Last edited by PragmaticGamer; 2017-09-04 at 08:19 PM.

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