1. #1

    Anyone remember that Fangtooth/Paladin video?

    Does anyone remember this video from a long time back: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBKqNt5ysq4 ?

    The reason I bring this up is there's a moment in the latest episode of Chuck that just screamed "PARODY ME!"
    You can see the episode online at http://www.nbc.com/Chuck/video/episo...721#vid=786721

    Now I don't have very good video editing software or a file of the episode to work with, but here's a new transcript for the scene at ~37:55 into the episode.

    Big Mike:"Looks like you <paladins> had one hell of a <battleground>. Congratulations, <ret-adins>, that's quite an achievement. And in light of today's <ownage>, I'd like to announce there's some <burst dps nerfs> amongst us."

    Morgan:"I told you man, <we all knew it was coming>"

    Big Mike: "You all remember <the CM Ghostcrawler>. <GC> has volunteered to stay on for ... well .. as long as it takes."

    Emmit: "That's right, <Paladins>, I'm afraid this <spec> is <OP>... and not the kind of <OP> that can be fixed with a <hotfix>. What <retribution> requires is a surgeon. Someone who doesn't mind getting up to their elbows in <nerfs>. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna reach in, wrap my fingers around the <DPS>, and rip it out."

    I lol'd. Now I know one of you has the software and talent to put this together. Do me proud.

  2. #2

    Re: Anyone remember that Fangtooth/Paladin video?

    i still think that video is the epicest of all epic.

  3. #3

    Re: Anyone remember that Fangtooth/Paladin video?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamson
    the epicest
    I think you just made a new word.

  4. #4

    Re: Anyone remember that Fangtooth/Paladin video?

    But Ret rocks
    Paladins are Cool Now?
    What happen to Kalgan?

  5. #5

    Re: Anyone remember that Fangtooth/Paladin video?

    Quote Originally Posted by Knighthonor
    But Ret rocks
    no... it's epicest.

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