I got an idea that can help in pvp and in pve thats should fit with the way the devs want pallies to play.

Hope of the Faithful

Place a buff on the target that has the following effect when x spell is cast in the player consuming the buff can only be one player per paladin.

Flash of light-Place a HoT on the target that heals for 20% of the amount heal plus your spell power over 6 sec.

Holy light-Gives the player back 10rage, 10 energy, 20 runic power, or 5% of mana

Holy shock- Heal the 2 lowest % players for 40% of the amount heal.

This should help us address some of our weakness while still making us single target healers and make us think about which effect will be best for the situation. The cooldown should be a minute but i'm not sure where you can place it in the holy tree. I have another idea also for the holy shock effect if Blizz is dead set on us not having any type of AoE period so plz give input and hopefully this can be a new spell for us holy paladins