1. #1

    Mount macro (flyable/noflyable)

    I used to use this macro:

    /cast [noflyable] ground_mount
    /cast [flyable] flying_mount

    but it doesn't work in Dalaran and Wintergrasp.
    Is there a new macro to fix this problem? Or maybe an addon to make it 1 key for both mounts? thanks.

  2. #2

    Re: Mount macro (flyable/noflyable)

    It's very roundabout but it gets the job done

    /script if (not IsMounted()) then if (((GetZoneText()=="Dalaran") and (GetSubZoneText() ~="Krasus' Landing")) or (GetZoneText()=="Wintergrasp") or not IsFlyableArea()) then CallCompanion("MOUNT",X) else CallCompanion("MOUNT",Y) end else Dismount() end

    replace X and Y with the number on the slot your mount is in. The X is your ground and Y is your flying.

  3. #3

    Re: Mount macro (flyable/noflyable)

    Awesome man, thanks!!

  4. #4

    Re: Mount macro (flyable/noflyable)

    i just use this:

    /use [modifier:ctrl] Hearthstone
    /use [nocombat,nomounted,flyable,nomodifier:shift] Bronze Drake
    /use [nocombat,nomounted] Winterspring Frostsaber
    /dismount [mounted]

    when i press shift i'll use normal mount if i'm in a flyable zone.
    instead have having a advance macro like that where you'd have to count what number your mount is everytime just my own person preferance ^^
    [img width=375]http://dingfiles.com/bin/readf/?99145656F26RL255/Nataliah+rogue+sig.png[/img]

    Ghostcrawler: "Frostmourne is a hunter weapon. True story." (Source)

  5. #5

    Re: Mount macro (flyable/noflyable)

    The problem is [flyable] don't work in Wintergrasp and Dalaran, hence the alot more complex macro for now.

  6. #6

    Re: Mount macro (flyable/noflyable)

    gogomount addon. bind a key and voilá (random mounts ftw)

  7. #7

    Re: Mount macro (flyable/noflyable)

    Quote Originally Posted by Nezoia
    The problem is [flyable] don't work in Wintergrasp and Dalaran, hence the alot more complex macro for now.
    yes i know.. but instead of me needing 2 buttons i still use one.. hence the [nomodifier:shift] .. so if i need to mount in dalaran or wintergasp i just click Shiftthen Y which my macro is binded to.

    with nomodifier:Shift it will still cast ground mount in Azeroth and places like that where i can fly if i can fly it will cast flying etc if i can fly and i press shift then Y it will cast ground..

    i prefer it this way but thats me... you also got addons but yeah not a fan of having to much addons..
    [img width=375]http://dingfiles.com/bin/readf/?99145656F26RL255/Nataliah+rogue+sig.png[/img]

    Ghostcrawler: "Frostmourne is a hunter weapon. True story." (Source)

  8. #8

    Re: Mount macro (flyable/noflyable)

    Quote Originally Posted by Zin
    yes i know.. but instead of me needing 2 buttons i still use one.. hence the [nomodifier:shift] .. so if i need to mount in dalaran or wintergasp i just click Shiftthen Y which my macro is binded to.
    The rub here is what if your macro was already bound to shiftt+y and you had y bound to a completely different action. You are still requiring 2 'keybindings' for your 1 macro.

  9. #9

    Re: Mount macro (flyable/noflyable)

    thats easly fixable just bind it to a difrent key... liek i etc like i said the macro was costumized for my personal use.. i only posted it here if some more people want to use it.

    and if i had the macro bound to shift+Y i would most likely swap HS to Alt and Ground to Ctrl...

    but like i said it was customized by myself and i like how it works so instead of 'whining' about it just shush.. non is forcing you to use it. and you can perfectly change the macro to the way you want.

    and befor you start bla bla you dont need that many keybindings as a hunter bla bla crap... i play more then 1 class(where 2 of em are a shaman(old main even yes resto) and a druid... so shitloads of keybindings).
    [img width=375]http://dingfiles.com/bin/readf/?99145656F26RL255/Nataliah+rogue+sig.png[/img]

    Ghostcrawler: "Frostmourne is a hunter weapon. True story." (Source)

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