1. #1

    Ret with shield?

    It could be fun to try out imo
    slow MH, shield with block value, using http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=61411 as an additional attack

    Does it increase dmg from AP? or just block value?

  2. #2

    Re: Ret with shield?

    Fun? Maybe. If you like small numbers on all your attacks.
    Personally, I only throw on a shield if I'm emergency-offtanking, or doing some serious AoE grinding.

  3. #3

    Re: Ret with shield?

    Fun? yes. Practical? No.

    It would not get you the numbers you need to justify your raid spot.

  4. #4

    Re: Ret with shield?

    Well I think there's enough time between the CDs to make a:
    /equip <insert shield>
    /cast SoR
    /equip <Insert 2hander>
    First Rule of MMO's:
    -Those who have accomplished less than you are noobs.
    -Those who have accomplished more than you are no-lifers.

  5. #5

    Re: Ret with shield?

    Let me say this again.

    It is not practical.

    That is 3 total global cooldowns lost.

    You would have done more damage just staying as is.

  6. #6

    Re: Ret with shield?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thaurr
    Well I think there's enough time between the CDs to make a:
    /equip <insert shield>
    /cast SoR
    /equip <Insert 2hander>
    too bad that equipping weapons and shields triggers a GCD

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