Thread: DK DPS =P

  1. #1

    DK DPS =P

    In my guild there are 5 DKs. Each one has a diffrent spec. 2 of them are tanks, leaves three diffrent DPS Dk's. One is Blood/Unholy does about 1400 DPS in quest items and some heroic (just dinged) A Duelweild unholy ghoul and garg and frost for HB. and Me I do about 1400 dps in heroics with this rotation for single target IT - SK - BS - BS - SS - RP dump - SS - SS RP dump refresh.
    YES i no i have a wide range of gear, and tanking bracers =P cause i cant find new ones. I have heard from my guildies that im doing something wrong because thats a pretty well unholy spec, and i mean i dont have the WORST gear. so if i could get some help that would be great =D thanks guys

  2. #2

    Re: DK DPS =P

    I had the SAME exact issue, but I am frost so maybe this will differ. Try using unholy presence, instead of blood. You will surprised. My dps jumped from 1502 in tank gear to 2293 in tank gear.

    Maybe this was just me...


  3. #3

    Re: DK DPS =P

    First things first get your hit rating maxed. Missing special attacks as a dk is not good. So get up to around 270 hit rating. Your dps will benefit greatly, that means enchant where you can for hit and do whatever gemming you can do for hit until it is maxed.

    Also, if you are going deep unholy you may as well have desecration. Decide what you don't need and get it, 5% extra damage on everything you do can add up pretty quickly.

    Outside of that it is just a matter of gear. Good luck to you.

    PS Unholy is good for frost spec because it is so spammy, blood is still the preferred presence for it in most cases. For unholy spec you should be in blood presence since you aren't spamming as much as frost does.

  4. #4

    Re: DK DPS =P

    Quote Originally Posted by oats123
    I had the SAME exact issue, but I am frost so maybe this will differ. Try using unholy presence, instead of blood. You will surprised. My dps jumped from 1502 in tank gear to 2293 in tank gear.
    I am always in Blood presence, the only time im in unholy is when we are about to wipe and i dont feel like dropping 40g one repair so i pop it and run =P.
    But for anyone that was reading i was gonna drop the 2 points in virulence and unholy aura, Virulence seems worthless for PvE with only 2 points, and Unholy aura seems like a worthless thing for anyone. and i was gonna put 4 points in desecration cause the damage increase seems worth it for AoE and Single target give me feeed back

  5. #5

    Re: DK DPS =P

    Desecration CAN be a nice DPS upgrade, but mostly it's situational.

    couple of rhetorical questions :P :

    How often do you stand still to DPS?
    how often do you plague strike?

    If you have the glyped Scourge strike, plague strike might not be used for 2-3 rotations assuming the diseases get refreshed so in that case, desecration becomes a 12 second buff or w/e it lasts. It looks good on paper but in practice i dont think you're likely to get anywhere near a 5% dps boost.

    Unholy aura adds raid dps on mobile fights, but this is up to you ofc.

    Virulence doesnt hurt if you arent spellhit capped in raids.

  6. #6

    Re: DK DPS =P

    Personally for a deep Unholy (2H) l I wouldn't use Desecration in a group or raiding build, though it's great for DW builds like 32/39, leveling, or pvp.

    The main problem is that if you're deep unholy, you should be using Glyph of Scourge Strike as one of your majors. Using that, it's pretty infrequent that you'll use Plague Strike, because you are only using it when the SS glyph doesn't proc your diseases back up- and it's not unusual for me to go through 3-5 full "rotations" before RNG says "that ain't gonna happen this time, buddy". If you're using PS just to get Desecration down every time it stops, I promise you that the dps you're losing by using PS and IT instead of being able to spam SS isn't made up for by the 5% you get from Desecration, especially considering that on half the fights it's hard to sit there and stand in desecration 100% of the time.

    If you're curious about spec, I'm using the current cookie cutter raid spec for 2H deep unholy, just armory me. It can also be found over at in the Unholy DPS discusssion.

  7. #7

    Re: DK DPS =P

    Quote Originally Posted by Arisen

    How often do you stand still to DPS?
    how often do you plague strike?
    No i dont stand still unless its Tank spank

    And i use plauge strike after a RP dump if the buffs are nearing there last tick

  8. #8

    Re: DK DPS =P

    kk so so far what ive gathered is Dont get desecrention drop somethings, and get Glyph of Scourge strike. Im also trying to find the Glyph were i dont need corpse dust (MONEY SAVER) and glyph of plauge strike any others or change one??

  9. #9

    Re: DK DPS =P

    You guys are doing something wrong. I'm offspec dps right now and I put out 3200 dps in heroics.

    Unholy 17/0/54 is easymode for unholy if you like AoE
    Blood 51/13/7 is what I am using right now that I can break 3k dps in heroics. Break 4k dps in 10 mans. I'm usually stuck tanking 25 mans, but my guild has a theory that I could probably break 6.5k dps on patchwerk and are trying to pickup another offtank so I can give it a go for one week. But anyway, make sure your glyphed AND LET ME STRESS, make sure your spec is correct. I see too many DKs butchering their specs and picking up useless crap. Sometimes its not a big deal, such as in my case where I didn't pickup hysteria because I wanted to try blood spec in pvp, but most cases, it is a big deal.

  10. #10

    Re: DK DPS =P

    Apocolypso with your gear you should just go Blood diseaseless spec. You may see an increase in damage.

  11. #11

    Re: DK DPS =P

    Meh, I hit 80 three days ago and I'm cookie-cutter Unholy 17/0/54.  I only have a couple pieces from heroics (no epics from heroics), and the only piece that I have that could be considered better than average considering I only dinged three days ago is my Titansteel Destroyer.  I've been pulling around 2200-2500 dps depending on the number of mobs, and how the fight works (obviously lots of running around, whirlwinds to avoid, etc. are bad for melee dps).

    For single target:

    IT > PS > BS > BS > SS > UB
    SS > SS > SS > RD

    Make sure you have glyph of Scourge Strike.  It allows you to spam nothing but SS, BS (for death runes only), and runic dumpage as long as it reprocs your diseases.  It's a very intense dps upgrade.

    Make sure you're hit capped for what you're doing.  Raid bosses are 8% for the special cap, heroics, and regular 5-mans are progressively lower.  If you don't have it, the Titansteel Destroyer is the best weapon a DK can get until Death's Bite, which drops from KT in 10 man it'll server you for a while unless your guild's already got it on farm mode and you plan to get one soon.

    Edit: Best 2h weapon...if you dual wield it's obviously a different story.

  12. #12

    Re: DK DPS =P

    1) Don't gem for atk power, or agility. Str gems all the way.

    2) Get rid of the blood aura talent, its a waste.

    3) Same with mark of blood, your dps, get rid of it.

    Also take that one point out of scent of blood.

    I use those 4 points and get rune tap myself, I have it glyphed and healing my grp helps at times, even if its just a little.
    You could get blood worms.. I personally think they are a waste also.

    A few more upgrades, and some slight changes and you should be good.

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