1. #1

    Need some help from the pros!

    So...I have a few questions for the pro arms warriors out there. cause I'll finally be able to spec arms for raids...

    I have about 50% crit raid buffed as arms right now, and I know that's what I should be aiming for as arms. All my gear is gemmed for strength since I've been raiding as fury. So my first question is, should I gem for more crit?

    Second, should I be using bladestorm every cd? I feel if I'm hot on the rng I can dish out more dps during a bladestorm cycle than I would if I had used it.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2

    Re: Need some help from the pros!

    The answer is very simple..After the 8% hit and the 18 Expertise (Counting Weapon Mastery) ..Unless you have the thought "Omg i wanna dodge to Overpower why the fuck do i want expertise for" the simple answer would be "So the other skills and white hits wont dodge dumb ass"..So in the end its your choice..Follow the retarded noobs..Or cap your expertise

    You gem for Stength..You dont need more crit..Even if you put 16 crit rating everywhere its 3 sockets for 1% crit..You will gain..What? 3% critical max? When you can gain over 100 strength?

    There is no difference in Fury ..Over arms because Strength=AP=More damage on bloodthrist.. Same logic is Strength=AP= Weapon Max Damage increase= Mortal Strike (Of course the gain is lower but you get the picture)

    You could try using some Armor Penetration if you really wanna get rid of your strength.But i dont see the point.

    And the second question..Yes use it whenever its on cd....But..Dont charge--->Bladestorm instantly after the pull i have seen a few idiots doing it..only to end up dead (Multiple Creeps wise) and since Ulduar has some fights like that..You get the point :>

  3. #3

    Re: Need some help from the pros!

    And use sweepings before bladestorming.

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