1. #1

    When to break the T7 set bonus?

    When should an enhance shaman break his 4 piece set bonus on T7?
    ive heard dont break the set till you get 2 of the worldbreaker (T8), is that true?

  2. #2

    Re: When to break the T7 set bonus?

    Well it all depends on what pieces of gear you are replacing the T7 gear with and what kind of benefits they bring. If the higher stats on the new gear offer more DPS then the T7 set bonuses, then to hell with the set bonus I say.

  3. #3

    Re: When to break the T7 set bonus?

    I say dont worry to much !
    T7 if for noobs !
    T7 days are over !!!
    Wear your Ulduar loot proudly !

  4. #4

    Re: When to break the T7 set bonus?

    2-piece T8 has shown to provide more dps than the 4-piece T7 bonus. That is the definite point to make the switch. Non-set pieces would all have to be tested separately to see how much of a difference they made, but more than likely it would take 2-3 to overcome the difference of the loss.

  5. #5

    Re: When to break the T7 set bonus?

    Since RAWR doesn't have the t8 bonuses yet I just did some swapping last night, got my 2 piece and am going to try it out tonight. Armory doesn't even show conquerer's earthshatter chest still. Kept my exp and hit a little over cap and still gained a bit of ap. My armory is my sig's clicky.

    Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent.
    -Dalai Lama-

  6. #6

    Re: When to break the T7 set bonus?

    I'd say drop the 4 set if, and only if you've hit the 2 set on Worldbreaker, if you so desire.
    If however you've also got the Ignis totem, then it's not much of a question, the 2 set trumps the 4 set. Of course, you can also drop some of the less tasty t7 pieces for off items too, if you want.

  7. #7

    Re: When to break the T7 set bonus?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tama
    Since RAWR doesn't have the t8 bonuses yet I just did some swapping last night, got my 2 piece and am going to try it out tonight. Armory doesn't even show conquerer's earthshatter chest still. Kept my exp and hit a little over cap and still gained a bit of ap. My armory is my sig's clicky.
    Errr, Rawr has had the T8 bonuses since the 26th of March and v2.2.0.6.

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