Thread: Mage in arena

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  1. #41

    Re: Mage in arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_
    It's also pointless to argue with someone who is so sure of his own righteousness, he gives no thought to even a possibility that he may be wrong. Nontheless, let me try hitting the head into that particular wall one more time.
    We are talking about arms. In TBC, arms BF buff spec was hardest DPS spec to play in the game bar none. If you did not choose your skill ordering properly, you either fucked up your slam timings, or you burned too much rage on HS at wrong points and didn't have enough to upkeep MS>Slam rotation. Blind following of 45 rage rule was a road down into mediocrity and a replacement for SWP raids due to lackluster damage.

    You chose your skills based on situation, or you watched your DPS plummet. Fury was obviously "hammer my head into the keyboard" since it played like ret does now - when skill lights up, you use it. But we are talking about ARMS here.
    Rage starving was a viable approach because warriors were top dogs of PvP in S1-S4 damage wise and in general standings. Always. Denying this is ignorance of top order. In general, if warrior was allowed to stay on his target and hit it, it died. Quite fast in fact. Which is why rage denial and kiting were the main approaches to handling a warrior, usually ending up with warrior being CCd a lot of % of time spent in arena compared to all other classes.

    Again, this had nothing to do with "lameness" of the approach, and everything with the fact that if warrior stayed on his target and knew how to play, it died. Fast. And the reason why warrior is hilariously OP right now is that juggernaut brought warrior into "completely unkiteable unless you have a frost mage" category, while keeping the "if warrior is on you long enough, you're dead" aspect.

    Notably, the reason why dual betrayer TG warriors were not quite as successful in 2s as arms is now is because of kiting. If TG stayed on top of something while carrying good weapons, it died faster then now to arms. But back then warrior was actually kiteable, AND you could force defensive stance more easily.

    Now, warrior is just "been outplayed? Hit charge" class. Which is the reason people faceroll with warrior-paladin to top of the 2s while having no clue.
    This alone shows just how bad you are and how little understanding you have of warrior class in the past.
    Points you completely ignore:
    1. Charge and intercept are on DIFFERENT COOLDOWNS.
    2. Charge in combat lets you gain rage, making it a net rage gain every time you charge rather then a net loss. Being followed by largely instant white it gives enough rage for execute on a spot.

    This makes the world of difference. Before you really did need to wait the full CD on intercept before you could do it again. Finally you often lacked rage due to having to burn it on intercept and not getting enough in general during kiting, so white hit that followed intercept did not generate enough rage for meaningful damage. Now you can literally take away half of enemy healthbar after every charge with fair degree of reliability. And that is what breaks the class - it makes kiting the warrior almost more dangerous then just letting him sit on you.

    Also, if you fail so much that your charge is on CD and you need to get to enemy yesterday, you can just switch to zerk, press intercept, switch back to battle. The rage change to stance dancing made sure you are not meaningfully penalized for it either.
    This is where I admit my cluelessness. I completely forgot the snare removal part. Don't have that much need for it in PvE.
    First of all, this is not TBC, and there is no timing or skill involved in Arms DPS rotation. Its simply rend, then a priority. And as for your ludicrous suggestino that arms had the hardest time DPSing in SWP, take a good look at the ret pallies that were doing 2k+ DPS. Seal twisting is by far the hardest rotation any DPS has had to manage ever.

  2. #42

    Re: Mage in arena

    Quote Originally Posted by chrion
    "And why the HELL would you cast a slow on yourself and not an ice lance? That slows your cast speed AND move speed for 5 seconds (assuming you have mage armor on, 10 if not... unless your gonna trinket your own snare). Also, when do you do when he bladestorms out of your little gay nova? Iceblock and then your SOL for opening on the druid... fail."

    when a warr puts up reflect, I cast focus slow 2 times, the result is him being slowed, me taking no dmg, and I still have time to cast sheep before the nova breaks.
    omg... and you are defending it you f*cking noob.

    1) you snare yourself so that gives you NO chance at all to try and keep up with his partner that you are trying to kill (which is probably an LOSing pally or druid)
    2) why the hell do you care if he is snared? He is about to be a sheep... if he trinkets that will clear the snare anyways. You are just wasting GCDs trying to CC him when you should be focusing on getting to his partner with your rogue.
    3) If you are that paranoid about taking 500 damage then put up a fucking frost ward before you charge in to start your CC chain
    4 ) Save POM for if he gets on your rogue? You open with POM, he can only do 1 of 2 things: trinket or eat it. If he eats it then re-poly, if he trinkets OH SNAP, HE'S ON YOUR ROGUE, BLIND OLOLOLLLOL. DR resets and magically you can poly again!

    Let me guess, you're stuck at <1000 MMR because of "class imbalances", amirite?

    Edit: And if you can't kill a healer 2v1 as mage/rogue in the 30~ seconds of CC that you can chain then you deserve to lose...
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