1. #1

    Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    Hey was wondering if anyone can give us some advice with 2v2 arena against Rogue/Mage. We are fairly geared I am the paladin with 24k health, 2100 spell power, and 909 resil atm. He has around 800 resil I believe with 26kish health as an arms warrior. Trying to get into the 1900 bracket but everything we get there Rogue/Mage knocks us back down.

    The problem that always happens is that I am almost screwed either way with healing as a pally. If I dont bubble I will be sapped, the sheeped, then blind. Mean while the warrior is getting blown apart. (Even in Def stance with shield up) If I do indeed bubble very early and pop Divine Sacrifice to help mitigate they just run off vanish/invis. and reopen the fight on me or do another CC train.

    Now I guess the question would be, Are paladins just screwed when it comes to this comp? or is there something we are not doing? I would love to hear some good advice or just feedback that could be of some help to us. Been trying online to find a good strat website other then arenajunkies because I really dont find anything useful on there.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    blessing of sacrifice and divine sacrifice timed well

    I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species

  3. #3

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    Have your warrior do his snare shout as soon as rogue pops... then bop the warrior (trinket > bop before you even cast). HOPE your warrior can get a bleed on the rogue.

    If no bleed, rogue will vanish and they will reset the fight..

    When rogue decides to pop again.. you will likely get CC'd, so bubble and spam holy light... hope you get some nice 28k crits due to the prot spec.

    When bubble is over, use your divine sacrifice to prevent getting CC'd again + give the warrior freedom. When Divine Sacrifice is over, put Hand of Sacrifice on the warrior.

    If you STILL haven't killed the rogue by then.. you probably going to lose.

  4. #4

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ


  5. #5

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    i assume they are killing ur warr so this is a strat on how to beat mage/rogues:
    obviously have ur warrior start out sword and board and in dstance. the rogue will probably sap u and get on the warrior, as soon as they open on the warrior trinket the sap use sacrifice and HoJ the rogue inbetween the cheap shot and kidney shot. this will force him to trinket if he wants to keep up pressure or reset. if he trinkets the warrior will be out of stuns and can fear him (if hes ud straight into a rend, if hes not u should be able to top off the warrior then rend). if the rogue doesnt decide to trinket the opening HoJ go super agressive and use all ur offensive abilities into him with bladestorm and he should drop/be too low to recover. u should now be in a good position and if they do manage to get a full reset off u can bubble the next sap HoJ the rogue in between the cheap shot and kidney shot and then he will die as he cant break it.

    basically it comes down to not being super defensive. instead of saving trinket/bubble at the latest possible time to save the warrior, use them to kill the rogue. being more offensive is the trick.

  6. #6

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    paladins are immune to CC dude! start using your utilities instead of those 15K+ holy shocks and 20K flashes ok?

    Rogue community: the thing that makes us OP is a combination of 130 energy and overkill, not mutilate damage.

    Ghostretard: Nah, we'll cut the balls off mutilate, lawl

    Rogue community:...................

    Ghostretard: We're happy where rogues are in PvP

    Ghostretard: Wait, NM we'll also nerf overkill now and give you absolutely no fucking compensation while deathtards and retnubs still do gross amounts of damage with better defensive capabilities.

  7. #7

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    Personally apart from FOTM I think Mage Rogue is one of the hardest for protpally+warrior/dk teams. What we usually do is I try hit mage with stun and then silence and finally when I get CCd I pop trinket and heal my partner (or bubble if the mage has not used his counterspell yet) then cc the mage again and hope that in this time my buddy has had time to down the rogue. Sure if the mage knows his ass from his elbow he will trinket the stun and go right on nuking, but silence will slow him down and give you a few seconds. I never use Holy Light in arenas, with FOL critting 7-9k and it does almost always crit (even with wound poison heals for 4k per heal) its more effective and gives less chance for interrupts.

  8. #8

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    I'm running the same comp right now and having problems with this teams aswell. What seems to work best for me is to both rush the mage, get in combat asap, now obviously this isn't always the case, but put pressure on them. A nice charge from your warrior and a nice avengers will give your warrior a few extra seconds to do some damage before the mage gets that initial blink. Now the rogue will have to peel one of you off and they will start the cc rotation, try and get your sacrifice off to avoid the poly/blind *or* A Martyr judge if you are good at timing it, but they will most likely switch to him. You can HoJ the rogue and start into them, they will probably try to reset at this point, which isn't too bad as you still have HoP/Bubble. If you can survive their initial burst, or start on them they lose some of their edge

  9. #9

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    1) Set mage to focus target
    2) When he casts Polymorph you Shield Silence him
    3) When he casts Polymorph again you put Hand of Sacrifice on your warrior
    4) Now they have to wait 12 sec before they can CC you again.
    5) All this time your Warrior has been bleeding the rogue
    6) Always HoJ Evasion
    7) Collect your points

    There's really no reason with a trinket, bubble, and HoS that you should ever really be CC-ed long enough for the team to score a kill on a warrior in Dstance. And with Rend/Deep wounds, charge/intercept, and Hamstring/Piercing Howl there's no reason a good warrior should ever let a rogue reset the fight.

    If you're a real badass (after you've gotten Sheep and Blind on DR) you'll free cast Holy Lights just to bait a counterspell and have your warrior pop some cooldowns for 8 sec while you're locked out, then you get 16 seconds of hassle free healing.

  10. #10

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkheaven
    I'm running the same comp right now and having problems with this teams aswell. What seems to work best for me is to both rush the mage, get in combat asap, now obviously this isn't always the case, but put pressure on them. A nice charge from your warrior and a nice avengers will give your warrior a few extra seconds to do some damage before the mage gets that initial blink. Now the rogue will have to peel one of you off and they will start the cc rotation, try and get your sacrifice off to avoid the poly/blind *or* A Martyr judge if you are good at timing it, but they will most likely switch to him. You can HoJ the rogue and start into them, they will probably try to reset at this point, which isn't too bad as you still have HoP/Bubble. If you can survive their initial burst, or start on them they lose some of their edge
    I run the same and we do something like this. Nuke the mage at once , when the rogue appears I stun him and
    my warrior pops up bladestorm. after that they will try and reset but you will still have your cool downs probably.
    So when the first wave of cc comes use sacrifice + aura mastery and if you dont kill one by the time they are
    over you have your bubble next.

    The thing you have to watch out for is this. If the rogue gets a stun on your warrior and the mage has him on
    sight they will go for the big nuke on him and he will die if you have stun and avenger shield on cd. So use hand
    of protection at that particular time if you dont have anything else.

  11. #11

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Sicarius
    paladins are immune to CC dude! start using your utilities instead of those 15K+ holy shocks and 20K flashes ok?
    This guy runs his mouth without turning on his brain. It's just a QQ train with no conductor at the controls.

    Holy shock is deep holy. Prot paladins (even healing ones) don't have it.

  12. #12

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Sartecho
    This guy runs his mouth without turning on his brain. It's just a QQ train with no conductor at the controls.

    Holy shock is deep holy. Prot paladins (even healing ones) don't have it.
    "This guy" in particular you dont know my child. Stick around here a bit longer and you will be sorry to ever
    know him.

  13. #13

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    A prot pally healing morer effectively and surviving longer then a holy pally........yea......creative use of game mechanics indeed..... :
    "Retribution Paladins are the Eddy Gordo's of World of Warcraft"

  14. #14

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    Quote Originally Posted by Sartecho
    This guy runs his mouth without turning on his brain. It's just a QQ train with no conductor at the controls.

    Holy shock is deep holy. Prot paladins (even healing ones) don't have it.
    I wonder what you shall evolve into, a Hater or a Fanboi....

    Only time shall tell, for now i must follow the path of assassin and change my destiny!

    - Deadly Rival Sicarius

    Rogue community: the thing that makes us OP is a combination of 130 energy and overkill, not mutilate damage.

    Ghostretard: Nah, we'll cut the balls off mutilate, lawl

    Rogue community:...................

    Ghostretard: We're happy where rogues are in PvP

    Ghostretard: Wait, NM we'll also nerf overkill now and give you absolutely no fucking compensation while deathtards and retnubs still do gross amounts of damage with better defensive capabilities.

  15. #15

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    omg deadly failguy is so delusional, he actually thinks he has fanboys....
    This user has been banned.

  16. #16

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    Quote Originally Posted by lizard
    omg deadly failguy is so delusional, he actually thinks he has fanboys....
    I have many on my realm and starting to get populair here aswell (it's in the blood ) Had some fan private message's, i love you al guys and i excist for you

    Peace out, Deadly Rival Sicarius!

    Rogue community: the thing that makes us OP is a combination of 130 energy and overkill, not mutilate damage.

    Ghostretard: Nah, we'll cut the balls off mutilate, lawl

    Rogue community:...................

    Ghostretard: We're happy where rogues are in PvP

    Ghostretard: Wait, NM we'll also nerf overkill now and give you absolutely no fucking compensation while deathtards and retnubs still do gross amounts of damage with better defensive capabilities.

  17. #17

    Re: Want to know how Prot healing pally/warrior can beat Rogue/Mage...not QQ

    Quote Originally Posted by lizard
    omg deadly failguy is so delusional, he actually thinks he has fanboys....
    he does.

    they are just extra retarded.

    if i had the time, i'd draw you a retard diagram with specs. too bus atm tho

    I felt like putting a bullet between the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't screw to save its species

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