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  1. #21

    Re: To kill a drood...


    Go to arena junkies and read some of the forums about this. Hear from the people that have hit 2400+ that actually know what there talking about instead of listening to some of these from people who might be making great suggestions for the 1000-1500 bracket.

  2. #22

    Re: To kill a drood...

    As a druid i keep at least a rejuv on my at all times in case of the... omg switch.. oh shit wtf

  3. #23

    Re: To kill a drood...

    proper CC and waiting out his hots, switch and end it works alot on lower brackets...

    higher brackets I experience more often mana endurance fights

  4. #24

    Re: To kill a drood...

    to kill (resto) druid u need 2 dps...


    My english was bad, but since I left EU for my own loc. server it become even more bad. Sorry for leaving You, EU :P

  5. #25

    Re: To kill a drood...

    Quote Originally Posted by TwistedPower
    The only thing you need to do to kill a druid:

    Atk his dps, make his dps follow you into the open where the druid has to follow. Make sure the druid has no hots on himself (while your atking his dps).

    Switch to the druid and CC with a stun or silence at half HP and blow your burst cooldowns. Dead Druid.

    Works the same way with shamens. Except insted of hots its earth shield not beeing on the shamen.

    Any 4-6 seconds silence or stun and another one chained after if you have it is death to a druid/shamen healer at half hp. Works every time that the player doesnt have his trinket on cooldown to get out of the stun.

    atk (dps) wait for druid's own hot's to expire , DG druid , pet stun druid , strangulate druid , burst (ask your partner to chuck some dmg in) dead druid. (at least with my shaman partner.. i think he can do some more burst then a druid can tough...)
    and yes this also works at 2k+ rating , becouse you can put enough pressure on the warrior for the druid not to have time to keep rolling hots on himself.

  6. #26

    Re: To kill a drood...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mysmere
    this will work if their partner is bad.
    This will work if their partner is GOD too. Do the math please =/

  7. #27

    Re: To kill a drood...

    Hi, I didn't read the bullshit. But if your QQing about your healer getting mana burned. Tell him to get the fuck in bear form. I can't believe he doesn't do that. And dont give " OH WELL HE HAS TO HEAL" its called a pillar.

  8. #28

    Re: To kill a drood...

    Quote Originally Posted by zsuper
    Sit on the Priest.
    The Rogue can't kill you. The Priest can't mana burn. Your Druid can roll it's face on it's keyboard. If the Rogue switches to your Druid, the Priest will die within 10 seconds. If it doesn't, you're a failure as a DK. All is well.
    then tell me how the dk can get the priest without taking mass freehits of the rogue?

    its just stupid to focus the priest if the rogue focuses your dk... with all this slows and stuns on your dk he will never get the priest.. the only situation when you can focus the priest is when you cc the rogue with cyclone, and deathgrip the priest to you.. and try to focus him down.

    the rest of the game your dk just have to focus the rogue... and you should not get manaburned wtf, you are druide! you give your dk some hots and go behind the next pillar.. its not like the rogue can instantly burst your dk down....
    i think rogue/priest should not be that hard for your combo, because normaly the rogue takes more damage after he used his cooldowns, than your dk.

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