1. #1

    Flame Leviathan Turrent Launch Miss

    I apologize if this post is a duplicate, but I don't remember having seen this one before.

    While doing FL last night, we oddly had a rash of misses, all of them disastrous, while trying to launch people up to do the turrets.

    What exactly causes misses in that case? I was under the impression that the player launch wasn't aimed or AoEd like normal shots were.

    I was the launchee, not the launcher, so I can't say exactly what was going on. I know that simultaneous launches can cause a miss, but one of the times the other person had been up for a while because the second demo was kiting.

    What different things can cause a turret launch to miss?

  2. #2

    Re: Flame Leviathan Turrent Launch Miss

    Bad aiming.

  3. #3

    Re: Flame Leviathan Turrent Launch Miss

    One primary issue is distance. You can be too far, I think you can also be too close. You can't hit people from across the entire length of the "box".

    Also lag, bugginess, etc etc.

  4. #4

    Re: Flame Leviathan Turrent Launch Miss

    I think the main cause is that when you're launched, you're "linked" to a turret. But should two players be launched at the same time, there's a chance they're both "linked" to the SAME tower. Which causes one of these players not to throw his chain up to the turret, and instead fall on the ground...

  5. #5

    Re: Flame Leviathan Turrent Launch Miss

    Missing when you launch your dps is a great way to get achievements though.

  6. #6

    Re: Flame Leviathan Turrent Launch Miss

    Not if you're doing four towers. Then it's a good way to wipe.

  7. #7

    Re: Flame Leviathan Turrent Launch Miss

    Make sure that your demolishers dont launch them before the overcharge (When FL gets stunned) ends. If you throw the passenger before it ends, the passenger will simply fall to the ground meaning almost certain death due to FL's attacks.

    Either they were throwing them too early, or they simply fail at aim.

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