1. #1

    Yogg Saron Phase 2 (Portals)

    We had our first attempt at Yogg last night. It wasn't pretty, but its a learning experience. Anyway, I play a resto druid and I voluteered to be the healer in Phase 2's portal phase. While nobody died in the brain to the skulls, it seemed that we were all getting hit, a lot. I would turn away from one, only to get hit by another. Can anyone that has healed this phase give me a few pointers beyond "don't look at the skulls?"

  2. #2

    Re: Yogg Saron Phase 2 (Portals)

    Since you're a HoT-based class I'd suggest you run around with both your mouse-buttons pressed, spin rapidly and hot everyone up while looking for a location that enables you to hide from teh skulls but still see the ones you heal

    also make sure everyone is free of debuffs and at full health when you all enter

  3. #3

    Re: Yogg Saron Phase 2 (Portals)

    You have to learn the spawn points of the portals, there are safe spots where you can stand and heal the entire room in most cases (except for the Wyrmrest one where there are some LoS issues)

    As for the DPS in that phase, same goes, they need to learn where they can hit things without being hit back, if this means standing sideways so that your back is to a skull but you are technically still facing the target then thats the way it has to be, there is really not much more advice i can give.

    In all honesty the only way you can do it is "dont face the skulls" sad to say it but there is not trick to this phase

  4. #4

    Re: Yogg Saron Phase 2 (Portals)

    I don't know how your dps is handling the spawns, but we've taken to moving has a group from the left to the right in a circle.

    Each person only hits each mob a couple times and moves on.

    Since we're always moving, we never get stuck in one spot long looking at a skull and it moves much quicker.

  5. #5

    Re: Yogg Saron Phase 2 (Portals)

    Quote Originally Posted by bunnyhat
    I don't know how your dps is handling the spawns, but we've taken to moving has a group from the left to the right in a circle.

    Each person only hits each mob a couple times and moves on.

    Since we're always moving, we never get stuck in one spot long looking at a skull and it moves much quicker.
    Youd do much better to split into two groups each going the alternate direction. meeting up on the far side then running back towards the brain room youll get a lot less "overkill" on the adds and only have to move half the distance.
    I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money; but what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I've acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now that will be the end of it. I will not look for you, i will not pursue you but if you don't; I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

  6. #6

    Re: Yogg Saron Phase 2 (Portals)

    Quote Originally Posted by fizikz
    ...yeah this, we actually just got our first kill in 10 man tonight (3 portals and 3 dps in them) and we'd all go different ways, ended up with some 40 seconds left dpsing the brain sometimes, worked much better than going as a group.
    that worked for us too, killed tonight as well
    also keep in mind that every tentacle reflects 40% damage on any player that hits it.

  7. #7

    Re: Yogg Saron Phase 2 (Portals)

    Quote Originally Posted by Zhaknafein
    that worked for us too, killed tonight as well
    also keep in mind that every tentacle reflects 40% damage on any player that hits it.
    If your melee are getting low on health then it's because of this, not the skulls. The skulls don't actually do a lot of damage (I think it's like 3k per second while you're facing them and I wouldn't expect that competent melee wouldn't take more than 1-2 ticks). Most melee have over 21k hp so 1 tick of a skull isn't going to hurt that much. The majority of incoming damage is from the reflective damage that the tentacles do. If melee are getting low on life then tell them to stop dpsing so they don't kill themselves. Unfortunately, this means that you (the healer) determine how much dps is put out. Life will be easier once melee figure out how to not face skulls and you get a feel for how much healing to pump out and to who.

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