Poll: Inspiration or no?

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  1. #1

    Inspiration for Arenas 3.2?

    I'm a 2500+ rated priest debating on whether inspiration coming up with the melee reduced damage is worth losing discipline talents over, and which brackets it would benefit most from (2v2, 3v3, 5v5). This is my current talent spec for 2s:


    The alternative i was looking at would lose 10% spell damage taken, gain 5% crit, lose 17% off of dispels and 2% off all instant casts, and gain 3/3 inspiration for 10% less physical, especially stacking with divine aegis. This is what i came to:


    Was looking for feedback before playing around with it especially due to S7 not ending tomorrow but the patch release is coming anyways... stupid blizzard.

  2. #2

    Re: Inspiration for Arenas 3.2?

    I'm a full furious resto shaman, without knowing the effect of the resilience changes yet, I would go straight for the flat 10% reduction. Redo it if it feels like overdoing it. (For 3's and 5's)


  3. #3

    Re: Inspiration for Arenas 3.2?

    bump for feedback!

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