Hi guys

Tomorrow, or today, depending on how you see it, it's patchday and our talents are reset.
I have not read up so much about the changes and I'm also very new in tanking so it's abit much for me right now to get in to my damn head.
The only experience I got yet, is a full run naxx10 and 2 or 3 heroics.

I was wondering if someone could give me a good, not to gear dependant frost tanking spec ?
This is what I'm using today (the frost spec) and I think I like it actually.

Nvm the gear though, it seams like the armory dont want to show my currently equipped tanking gear. It's a mix of quest, herioc, heroes and valorous gear and I got the 4set bonus.
~30K hp in frost prescense and yes, I am defcapped.

thank you in advance