1. #1

    Thinking of coming back... questions

    been over a year since I quit the game, but thinking about coming back - looks like they finally got siege weapons in the game (or maybe the next patch?) which looks like fun. I also had some questions about arena

    1. One of the reasons I quit was PR being reset when you change teams - I always wanted to play with different friends when my regular team wasnt online - can you do this ? Did they ever make PR portable like many had suggested?

    2. Do you still have full 5/5 gladiators in the 1500-1600s? Related to question 1) with the team resets, but also boosting of course. I played on Ruin and this was a real problem. I was never awesome, but I did hit 1850 for the weapons, and did it with S2 weapons in S4. Had to deal with this crap a lot. If I were to start playing again, I bet I would have to do this all over again - old season gear from wintergrasp or something.

    3. How much impact does PVE gear have on arena?

    4. I checked SK100 and saw a lot of people with 3000 rating - this was near impossible in the old ELO sys (without cheating) what did they change?

    and anything else you think I should know - thanks for any fb!

  2. #2

    Re: Thinking of coming back... questions


    1. If I understood it right, the no. You can not switch teams and keep your PR in the teams.

    2. Well, you do. Savage, Hateful and Deadly Gladiator gear can be aquired through honor/emblems, so it's accesable for everyone. When you hit 1550 (?) I think, you can buy the first part of the 2nd highest PvP tier set gear. You can only get weapons of the season - and there's two tiers of 'em. One at 1850, and one at 2200 or 2350. (I reckon something changing it from one to another, can't rememebr which it is now).

    3 and 4 I can not answer.

    Though I quit playing some time ago, and there's probably something that changed or stuff that I just forgot (:
    Hope this helped a bit.

  3. #3

    Re: Thinking of coming back... questions

    No PR isnt portable, and in this coming season the best end gear will be PvP so PvE gear won't play a huge roll but you won't see many people rolling with a deadly wep they will mostly be using PvE or furious.

  4. #4

    Re: Thinking of coming back... questions

    1) even worse now, you have to start from 0 rating lol.
    2) no, you have a matchmaking rating (MMR) now and you get queued at your MMR not your actual team rating. you keep this MMR when you team hop or even swap BGs. so no, you dont get furious gladiator geared teams at low MMRs.
    3) not that much actually, most people sport 5/5 pvp gear. apart from the odd trinket and off piece for rogues, warriors or dks not much pve gear is used nowadays.
    4) basically with the new MMR system the game tries to boost you to your MMR (so you win more points than you loose to get there) and with a change to try and get more people into 3v3 they made it easier to get rating from 3v3. so it fucked up a bit, people had big win streaks and reached 3000MMR and were winning a lot more points than they were loosing so they eventually reached it.

    things you should know
    - this patch you cant get weapons, shoulders or titles from 2v2.
    - it seems theyve made a hidden change for this patch where you cant get the same team 2 times in a row anymore. ive been playing quite a few games after the patch and only 1 other team was queueing at 2400+ mmr in 3v3 and we were both sitting in orgrimmar in a queue waiting for it to pop. unless they were secrectly dodging us and lying about being in the queue which i doubt because they beat us, this is the only thing it can come down to.

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