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  1. #21

    Re: Very much problems with Yogg-Saron

    Quote Originally Posted by Stayven
    And also remember to get your tanks to melee the crushers, a melee hit from tank (hunters pets work to iirc) interrupts Diminish Power, and although he recasts it straight after it has a cast time and thats 20% more damage for pretty much all the time.
    Dont stand there trying to tank it, just run in, hit it, run out.
    Good luck!
    Hunter's pets no longer work, as of.... last patch?

  2. #22

    Re: Very much problems with Yogg-Saron

    As said before, melee in the portal phase need to be fast to prevent the new crusher spawning.

    However the timer for the new spawn of the crushers was relaxed with the most recent patch.

    We were struggling with corruptor tentacles too, becoming fast overrun and our best attempt (pre-patch) was 4% on Yogg.

    What made the world of difference for us, was to call out melee early from the brain room and stick specific % targets on the brain for each phase. This can be set by your raid leader or whatnot depending on what you want.
    For our first kill we did 4 portal phases, each time taking 20% off the brain and the last time only taking 10% off. This allowed us to jump out of the brain roomm ahead of time to assist the casters with clearing up the corruptors. When we were learning phase 2 and figuring out a tactic good for us, we frequently would have melee jumping out of portals and re-entering without doing any damage to corruptor tentacles between portal phases, (this is staying in brain room for as long as possible) hence the problem of being overrun.

    As you get better you can reduce the number of portals you require but this worked for us.

    Good luck with your progression!

  3. #23

    Re: Very much problems with Yogg-Saron

    Arisen makes a good point and if you can do that strat and still make the enrage, then fair play to you and it'll probs work better as you have plenty of control.

    When learning our 1st 10 man kill, we were just chain wiping in p2, so we had a try where we didn't go into the brain room at all and just focused on surviving. Of course we were over run after a while, but allowing people time to work out what did what really helped. The try after we then just focused on the brain room, making sure we got people to the portals at the correct times and then focused on them just learning it.

    Once we had that done things just seemed to move a lot smoother. As there isn't always a lot of time to look at the mechanics of the fight before you have to do something else.

  4. #24

    Re: Very much problems with Yogg-Saron

    Quote Originally Posted by Callsign Grunge
    Have your Locks, Hunters, Shadow Priests, Boomchickens and Mages DoT up the corrupters throughout the phase. and win.
    This. There can be alot of running about with the way the crushers spawn. If you need to get over to the over side of uglys' head and run past a bunch of corrupter's on the way, they're not helping the raid.

    Don't tell them that though, tell them it will increase their dps.

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