Thread: Healer macro?

  1. #1

    Healer macro?

    I am generally not very good with macroes and I was just wondering if there was some way to have a macro switch between 2 targets? Would be pretty handy for a healer in 3v3.

  2. #2

    Re: Healer macro?

    Healbot/grid ftw;

  3. #3

    Re: Healer macro?

    Quote Originally Posted by esqulax
    I am generally not very good with macroes and I was just wondering if there was some way to have a macro switch between 2 targets? Would be pretty handy for a healer in 3v3.
    Well first off F1 through F5 selects your party members (F1 always selects you). But if you really just want a macro:

    /target [notarget=your second guy]your first guy
    /target [notarget=your first guy]your second guy

  4. #4

    Re: Healer macro?

    1. Click Escape
    2. Click keybindings
    3. Find "target partymember1" - bind it
    4. Find "target partymembr2" - bind it

    Problem solved. Tadaaa

  5. #5

    Re: Healer macro?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dubroya
    1. Click Escape
    2. Click keybindings
    3. Find "target partymember1" - bind it
    4. Find "target partymembr2" - bind it

    Problem solved. Tadaaa
    I really hate to be rude, but I just feel I have to say this.


    The whole point of the thing was to avoid having to use 2 keybinds.

    @ Perera. Thanks for helping. I tried the macro that you posted but I can't seem to get it to work? It targets nothing for me and if I remove the "no" in "notarget" I can get it to target one of them, but not both.

  6. #6

    Re: Healer macro?

    Yeah, you won't be able to do it this easily...

    From what I've been reading, it can't be done... 'target' is used to set the target, so it can't be used to check for a target... same thing goes for 'focus'. It's not possible because macros wouldn't be able to tell when they are suposed to set a target from when they are suposed to check for a target, without the use of more words anyway, and since they didn't want macro sintax to be too complicated, they didn't do that.

    Funny that on the same day two similar problems would happen:

    Here's my suggestion: set one of them as your focus and always have the other one as your target... Then open the game menu --> interface --> combat. Then, set a focus key and a self-cast key. Now you can cast on all 3 by holding a particular key while casting. I know it's not simple, in fact I'd say it's easier to press F1, F2 or F3, or rebind that to something easier, but it's the closest you're gonna get I think.

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