1. #1

    Need help .... with everything

    So basically i havent had an interface ive loved ever since vanilla.

    I'm currently playing on a laptop, and basically all those premade interfaces requires heavy high resolution, which i dont have.

    I used to play on a bigger screen and were using this interface:

    http://img18.imageshack.us/i/wowscrn...606102659.jpg/ (Photek's UI).

    But basically the last 2 month i've really struggled to make some decent UI that i would love again, and i have been trying basically every single addon, but i just couldnt make it cool as i wanted. And at the end of the day, after 3.2 my interface seems to have alot of bugs(ag for example), which my buggrabber seems to catch. But i've taken the decision to delete every single addon that i had. And DoTimer and Quartz was really some addons i disliked.
    I'm really not that good about computerstuff etc, so all the help i could get would be really appreciated. I'm playing a mage and a shaman, so i'm basically using alot of different stuff - Mage dot timers etc, enhancement priority lists, resto healing.

    I prefer complicated UI's, yet having alot of space to enjoy the game

    So where should i start?
    Or are there premade UI's out there that i could take advantage of, and use in low resolutions, without it being cluttered?

  2. #2

    Re: Need help .... with everything

    There are some UI packages that offer special configurations for laptops, though these days most laptops are almost as powerful as PCs. I dont know any off the top of my head though, so thats minimal help.

    If you want to make your own UI (which is much more fun imo), make a list of everything that you need in a UI, and then things that would be useful, but not essential. Then find flexible options for each of them.

    There are a few really good addons that will help with the appearance of your UI.
    KGPanels (or the older eePanels) allows you to set up backgrounds for different parts of your UI. In the picture in your post, the chat frames, actionbars and cast bar all sit on the kinds of frames that KG can create. But its much more flexible, and if you want a UI that looks great as well as functional and clean, you can add custom textures.

    Titanbar or Fubar are also great space saver addons. They can store a whole heap of addons that only display on mouseover or click and also can give easy access to options for more addons. This is great for the many convenience addons ive managed to lug myself with.

    Beyond this, addons are pretty much your preference. There are masses in every category from actionbars to character frames to raid frames to maps. My suggestion is spend a day or two finding ones that customize in the ways you want. A lot of addons offer a lot of features letting you hide or display them at certain times, which can really free up a lot of space in a UI.

    Creating a UI can take a long time to make it feel right, but its great when you can make something that is fully you (with the help of the hundreds of awesome mod authors out there

  3. #3

    Re: Need help .... with everything

    Thank you .. I had actually been looking for something like that KGPanels. Guess im gonna play with it abit

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