
So with the first bit I do have a lot of problems with Hunters and Warlocks but i will start with hunters.

Hunters i see are always using the same talent build with explosive shot which I find annoying because of the fact that they still have the annoying pet abilitys and still able to do massive burst dps (not QQ) so I am wondering how can i kill a hunter? i cant keep him in place and when i do try to attack with my opener he kills me with explosive shot + other shots and I cannot ground these or interrupt them so i am pretty screwed if i am against a hunter any advice?

Warlocks i do tend to have abit easier then hunters but still once they have got me locked down thats it (felhunter stun, fear etc.) I know how they start of and without unstable affliction they cannot do dps at all so i ground it and interrupt fear but its still quite hard and i think i need additional advice on warlocks.

I'm not saying they need nerfing etc. because these classes do not need it but I think I am doing something wrong and need some help to counter these classes like i know how to counter rogues and ret. paladins (yes it is possiable ) but with hunters the most problematic for me and warlock needing abit of help with.

Please get back to me.