1. #1

    Frost pres and increased ap

    What am I missing in the tool tip why do I have about 200 more ap in Frost pres than Blood or Unholy?, sorry I know it must be there somewhere but I just can't find it.

  2. #2

    Re: Frost pres and increased ap

    Frost Presence increases your armor.
    Bladed Armor (talent in Blood) increases your AP in relation to your armor.

  3. #3

    Re: Frost pres and increased ap

    I'd go with Bladed Armor (http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=49393). Since frost presence increases your armor contribution of items by 60%, this might explain the increase in AP while in frost presence.

    [edit]Bah, beaten to it [/edit]
    Pilot: We've got a little situation ladies and gentlemen.
    Samuel: What seems to be the problem, Mr. pilot, sir?
    Pilot: There are snakes on the plane.

  4. #4

    Re: Frost pres and increased ap

    Bah! of course, I knew it was something simple, thanks Guys.

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