Thread: Boomkin 3s

  1. #1

    Boomkin 3s

    So I play 3s with this comp: Ret/Boomkin (me)/Disc. :-X

    We've been as far as 1950, but then we get farmed, then we recover a bit... we are around 1800 atm. Yeah, that's an unlucky streak and I'm pretty frustrated about it (basically what decided me to make this post).

    We have so much trouble against double caster teams, we have no interrupts and our best CC is cyclone wich gets interrupted 4/5 times (i know, l2fakecast, i do try). Against double caster teams we usually TRY to chain a repentance-cyclonex3 on the healer and burn the ele shaman/warlock, we ignore mages and spriests damage wise (havent faced another moonkin yet lol). Problem is all it takes for those teams to survive with their healer out of the game for 10secs is a single interrupt on me or a CC on the ret or me.

    Even with 3k spell power my dmg is kinda random; my wrath does 2.5-3.5k damage non-crit, then the absurd thing is i've seen 9k wraths on high rated players. Same for starfire (3 seconds cast time) 4-5k non-crit, 9-12k crits. I've never seen a frostbolt/chaosbolt/incinerate etc etc hiting me for less than 5k. QQ? lol

    Against melee teams we actually do fairly well imo, panzerkin ftw ;D. I'll list some strats we have against some classes/comps, feel free to say if we can do something else to make it easier for us.
    *RPM: Keep abolish poison+Freedom on me and FF/JoJ on rogue while trying to kill him. Cyclone mage as much as posible and only switch CC to priest when we are going for the kill on rogue(after he burned his cloak).
    *Warrior with any other melee: CC warrior if there is no dispeller on his team, kill the other dps. If there is a dispeller we just stay on warrior.
    *Beastcleave: Spam CC until heroism and wolves are gone then kill the shaman. We haven't lost against this team yet , but games are intense and any tips would be great.
    *Prot warrior+anything else: ???
    *Double healer teams: We've won a few of these fights with uber CC on both healers at the same time and nuking the dps, but its really hard.

    I rarely switch out of moonkin form, even if im at low health I'd rather wait for some heals from my team than losing my 20k armor/owlkin frenzy against melee, I do heal when we face a double caster team tho.
    Our ret has a classic spec with divine intervention talent on the prot tree, but now he wants to get aura mastery on the holy tree. Is that advisable?
    Our priest tries to play defensively since he always has a hard time keeping me alive. Should i ask him to risk it a bit more and play more O?
    What to do?

    If there is anyone out there who plays this comp (loldoubtit) any advise would be apreciated.
    My armory:

    Pardon my bad english btw.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Re: Boomkin 3s

    no1 can give u any help, ur playing a gimp comp so ur stuck to absolutely awful ratings.

  3. #3

    Re: Boomkin 3s

    Good players will make it work

    Well, obviously you will have certain disadvantages, but usually it's about figuring out strategies instead of being able to read them.

    I've read about a moonkin ~2.2k+, that simply went for dot-damage. Spellpower/Spirit/Haste gear in general. But I think this was with a class that had a MS-effect, so it might not work for you. Other than that.. Since meelees are not a problem for you, try ccing more against caster. You may also want to use cat-form stun for some interrupt action.

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