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  1. #1

    Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    Okay first of all, I've always been healing as Ele in Resto gear in HC's when the tanks are way overgeared to the HC (except the 3 new ICC ones) and almost noone has ever died.

    I was in this Gun'drak earlier, everything went fine till we got to the trash before the Less-Rabi achieve guy when the Pala tank started to complain I'm not healing enough, the dude had about 48k hp and his health bar was full almost the whole time and I did heal everytime my LHW would top him up and ofc healed the others accordingly.
    The other guys in the group also went against me for not healing him and not being Resto as I've signed as a Healer, I asked them that if noone have died nor was close to death why are they complaining, the tank came with the following statement: I'm going oom because you dont heal enough, at first I facepalmed and I also noticed he was barely using Divine Plea (Yes I'm aware of its cd).
    Afterwards when the Dungeon CD debuff wore off I got kicked.

    I really wanna know who's wrong here, what'd you think?

    Sorry for any bad english btw.

    Edit: So much misunderstanding, I'll clear things up.
    I heal as Ele spec once I inspect the tank or check his HP and also looking at his tanking, if he's overgeared with above 35k hp I go Ele and just heal and dps.
    I DO have dual spec and Resto spec, I go Rest once I see the tank isnt so good or it's 1 of the new HC's (even ToC).
    I queue as healer since I do heal and not only dps, as said above I go resto whenever it's needed.
    I also have a prot pala and I'm aware of the mana starvation we're having in hc's, that's why you should chain-pull and not spam all your abilities like the dpsers are pulling 9k and the mobs will 1 shot them. HotR + Cons is more than enough to mobs with 60k hp.

  2. #2

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    Why are you healing with an elemental spec in resto gear? You dps when you don't have to heal? Or you just don't have money for dual spec?

  3. #3

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    i think that an elemental with resto gear can heal in an hc but u cannot go with a dps spec. There is dual spec (restoration and elemental).

  4. #4

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    I heal perfectly fine without any problems in Ele spec with Resto gear and mostly I do 5k dps with Heroism.

    Edit: Yes I dps when I dont have to heal, isn't that obvious? and yes I do have dual spec but it's much faster when I dps as Ele and also heal since it's more dps.

  5. #5

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    Heheh, i'm healing with my ele gear with my ele spec every once in a while, when our healer walking the dog, feeding the fishes, have dinner or just not feel like healing when we enter the instance :-))

  6. #6

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    While it might work, it is simply not very respectful of others to go there with a spec not designed to do stuff. You obviously queue as a healer to lower your waiting times. You might not always get a tank that good equipped that it does not matter whether you heal at all, or not. Thus, if you want to queue as a healer, be a healer. Ele is not a healing-spec. And while it might work sometimes, resto would work better.

    I mean, obviously the tank might not know everything there is to do. But here, i see the problem totally with you. Going dual spec ele if you notice that you do not have to heal much, simply to do some dps in an easy heroic is acceptable. Not having an healing spec, and queing as a healer is not.

  7. #7

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    I often do this, mainly because it just shortens the queues vastly. My shaman is specced enh/ele. You may think I'm stupid for having 2 dps specs on one character that has the ability to heal, but its cos my main (druid) is specced tank/resto. Anyway, I often heal HCs save the IC ones in Ele spec and Ele gear having to only drink perhaps once in the instance. So far I've never had a problem.

    In my mind, as long as you are keeping everyone alive and not having to drink every trash pull, then what's the problem.

  8. #8
    Fluffy Kitten Nerph-'s Avatar
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    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    Quote Originally Posted by Mooshu
    I often do this, mainly because it just shortens the queues vastly. My shaman is specced enh/ele. You may think I'm stupid for having 2 dps specs on one character that has the ability to heal, but its cos my main (druid) is specced tank/resto. Anyway, I often heal HCs save the IC ones in Ele spec and Ele gear having to only drink perhaps once in the instance. So far I've never had a problem.

    In my mind, as long as you are keeping everyone alive and not having to drink every trash pull, then what's the problem.
    I agree with this.

  9. #9

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    You signed as a ROLE, not as a spec. If you do your role adequate, noone has any reason to complain. I myself healed every heroic dungeon from the first week as enhancement since I was still questing. We barely wiped with a tank at roughly 23K hp. If he's crying about you not healing him as resto, with 50K hp, he's just bad.

  10. #10

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    I often do this. Tanks are so overgeared now that they hardly need to be healed and having 4 dps makes teh dungeon so much quicker.

    Divine Pleas should have nearly 100% uptime on a Pally Tank. If they don't have the talent it is their problem not yours. I'm sure they would complain about Disc priest too.

  11. #11

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    You've misunderstood me, I DO have dual spec and Resto spec but I just prefer to go Ele and dps sometimes when the tank is overgeared and knows what to do.

  12. #12

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    I'm in the situation as OP. Getting kicked as healer because I had a higher output than the dps, while noone went below 80% during the whole run.
    But oh well, my shaman is my pvp char mainly, so i decided to have a "hybrid" offspec, used for healing some 5 mans and doing dailies. My mainspec is resto pvp, and as offspec i've taken this
    All i have to do is put earthshield on the tank and healingstream totem and pewpew.

    It also annoys me that people in badgegear (no i'm not this elitist healer who thinks that badge gear=scrub in all cases) say stuff like "OMG HEELER IS IN PVP GEAR VOTEKICK" while doing 5 man instances. I dont really pay attention to them and lol irl when i outdps them while being healer.

    Oh and by the way, when I get one of the new hcs as random, I switch to my pvp build and faceroll through the instances with no problem

  13. #13

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    Just after 3.3 was released I was in a heroic with all overgeared players. At some point I noticed that I was only third or fourth on DPS even though my gear was pretty good. To my amazement it was the shaman healer that was topping the damage chart - if I remember correctly he did more than 6K DPS on one boss. I did not inspect his gear nor his spec, but he was awesome. Not only did he keep us all alive, he also did some serious damage and the bosses dropped like flies. And this was The Oculus by the way. ;D

    Moonkin druids and shadow priests have to shift out of form to heal and retribution paladins cannot do much damage in healing gear. I believe that elemental shamans are very well suited to heal and do damage at the same time. Anyway, healing overgeared players in random heroics is very boring unless the tank chain pulls and in some instances you cannot do that. The next best thing to do as a healer is assist with some DPS.

  14. #14

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    Most of the time when I pug as my disc priest, I will respec shadow and touchup heal when needed (obviously not the ICC ones). This, of course, depends on the tank: most of them are so vastly overgeared and yet are still pulling heroics as if they were in blues. The ones that do know how to speed-pull I will stay disc for. I'm fine if they're not confident enough to pull entire hallways/multiple rooms but I'm not gonna queue for heroics if I'm just gonna be put to sleep either.

    Bottom-line: If no one died, it doesn't matter one bit if the healer was holy/resto or shadow/ret/ele/moonkin. The instance got done, everyone got badges and you're off to the next one. People who want to complain because form is not being upheld find themselves quickly on my ignore list: hey, I'm not the one hurting - healers get groups rather quickly too.

  15. #15

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    Quote Originally Posted by Simbert
    While it might work, it is simply not very respectful of others to go there with a spec not designed to do stuff. You obviously queue as a healer to lower your waiting times. You might not always get a tank that good equipped that it does not matter whether you heal at all, or not. Thus, if you want to queue as a healer, be a healer. Ele is not a healing-spec. And while it might work sometimes, resto would work better.

    I mean, obviously the tank might not know everything there is to do. But here, i see the problem totally with you. Going dual spec ele if you notice that you do not have to heal much, simply to do some dps in an easy heroic is acceptable. Not having an healing spec, and queing as a healer is not.
    So its not respectful to do your job perfectly while doing 2k dps to speed it up? If you think that way it isnt respectful to queue as a rogue who does 1.2k dps in full T9.
    And in case you get a bad geared tank you switch to your resto spec "and do your job as intended"

  16. #16

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    Why the hell would you whine about the healing when no one dies? I personally love hybrids healing me in their DPS specs. If it only adds more DPS, why should you QQ about it.

    Also, /facepalm @ paladin tank..

  17. #17

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    Quote Originally Posted by Frex
    Okay first of all, I've always been healing as Ele in Resto gear in HC's when the tanks are way overgeared to the HC (except the 3 new ICC ones) and almost noone has ever died.

    I was in this Gun'drak earlier, everything went fine till we got to the trash before the Less-Rabi achieve guy when the Pala tank started to complain I'm not healing enough, the dude had about 48k hp and his health bar was full almost the whole time and I did heal everytime my LHW would top him up and ofc healed the others accordingly.
    The other guys in the group also went against me for not healing him and not being Resto as I've signed as a Healer, I asked them that if noone have died nor was close to death why are they complaining, the tank came with the following statement: I'm going oom because you dont heal enough, at first I facepalmed and I also noticed he was barely using Divine Plea (Yes I'm aware of its cd).
    Afterwards when the Dungeon CD debuff wore off I got kicked.

    I really wanna know who's wrong here, what'd you think?

    Sorry for any bad english btw.
    Both players are wrong! Pallies overgeared for the enconter get mana starved if they dont chain pull to keep divine plea up and elemental healing to avoid a longer queue is bad.

  18. #18

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    Would you like it if paladins/warriors/deathknights/druids started tanking in their DPS specs as well? I'm sure they won't die as long as they use their tanking gear and have a good healer. The only reason you are capable of healing with your DPS spec without wiping is because others ARE using proper specs (and overgear the instance). The guys who kicked you had every right to do so. Staying in your DPS spec while queue'ing for a different role is simply disrespectful to the other players, and it's not a good attitude to have. I bet you would've done the same thing to a tank in DPS spec or a DPSer in tank/heal spec, even if it doesn't really cause drastic problems.

  19. #19

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    enhancement is a better DPS / Healer. Maelstrom weapon stacks = instant heals.

  20. #20

    Re: Got kicked for healing as Elemental in an HC

    Quote Originally Posted by Lesane
    Would you like it if paladins/warriors/deathknights/druids started tanking in their DPS specs as well? I'm sure they won't die as long as they use their tanking gear and have a good healer. The only reason you are capable of healing with your DPS spec without wiping is because others ARE using proper specs (and overgear the instance). The guys who kicked you had every right to do so. Staying in your DPS spec while queue'ing for a different role is simply disrespectful to the other players, and it's not a good attitude to have. I bet you would've done the same thing to a tank in DPS spec or a DPSer in tank/heal spec, even if it doesn't really cause drastic problems.
    Works for me if the tank is using their dps spec. It's all about doing your job in 5 mans. If you go the wrong spec and we wipe then thats bad, but so long as the tank isn't taking too much damage or having threat issues he can use whatever spec he wants as far as I'm concerned.

    Also back on topic, this is basically the same as druid healers I've ran with not being in tree form and dpsing half the time but still healing. Rather than switch forms back and forth they just stay in humanoid form. If we don't wipe and he keeps everybody healed that works for me. When I heal 5 mans I usually use either holy or disc depending on which spec I have as my offspec at the moment and just throw dots on mobs or occasionally attack (and sometimes miss) in my healing gear. Thats not cause I feel I have to, I just feel comfortable doing it that way. I wouldn't feel as comfortable healing in my shadow spec but thats just a personal thing. At the end of the day it's all about being able to do your job adaquately and chances are I won't even inspect you if you are doing good.

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