Thread: is it worth it?

  1. #1

    is it worth it?

    Hi again so i got like two questions.

    so am aiming to getinng passive 800 arp as i heard that whats needed to go for hard cap,so i was thinking should i replace my noble deck with the trinket in toc5man norm and also got the craftebel chest in bank (245 item lvl)shoulde i use those even tho i lose some stats to get the arp?

    second:does it have to be 800 passive arp?

  2. #2

    Re: is it worth it?

    1st off I would only replace the trinket if it was going to put you at the 800 arp mark. You are still at 500 so I really wouldnt it would still be a dps loss at that point because at the ArP you are at agi (aka DMC proc) is still worth more per point than ArP.

    2nd 800 passive is the new magic number because at that point you switch from gemming AGI to ArP and are able to drop the ArP proc trinket for something more favorable. This is because at 800 ArP all the trinkets are going to take you over 1400 ArP which is the hard cap. anything over 1400 is a complete waste so you will get more dps out of another trinket.

  3. #3

    Re: is it worth it?

    so how about the chest?missing crit but got some good arp on it think its like 80+ lacking ap tho

  4. #4

    Re: is it worth it?

    You actually don't have to go with the 800 passive magic number. Since you're a JC/BS (though you need to level your BS first) you can actually make the switch comfortably around the 730 mark.

    I would've gone for the T10 chest instead of the gloves. Good ArmPen level and it has better itemization (crit > haste). Plus, the gloves have other potential access points in the near future anyways. And the 10 man ICC mail gloves would've been better to fast track you to the 730 mark. But since you already went with the T10 gloves the crafted chest is your next best bet.

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