There are some moves which I figured would get no benefit from a move which says it only effects the caster, so I want to test them out.

Magma totem DOES benefit from the bonus even though it is a totem. Ticks which occur during SR will get 12% extra damage.
Fire Nova is a spell cast by the shaman so it does benefit from the bonus.
Feral Spirits didn't appear to benefit when I popped SR before and then during the summon.
Fire Elemental's Fire Shield doesn't appear to benefit from the bonus. Popped SR before and during two different FE summons, nothing.
Saronite Bombs appear to benefit from the bonus, as this is the only way I could get them to hit over 1500.

Didn't test anything else the elemental uses since it doesn't attack dummies.

Can anyone confirm if my testing is correct?