1. #1

    Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    What is your strangest experience in game?

    I just had one of my stranger and confusing moments last night. I was pugged into a raid as heals. It was going very well, but no one was really talking, seemed like an all business group. We're about half way in and a nice healing mace drops. I roll for it, as does another healer. He wins the roll. Grats to him.

    This is where it gets surreal. The healer starts going off, gonna paraphrase the conversation here...

    Healer "F$%# you! You can go F$@# yourself!"
    RL "Suck a fat chode."
    Healer "God damn it, I knew you where gonna pull this shit."
    RL "I've had about enough of your attitude."
    *healer has been removed from the raid*
    RL "You know what, I'm tired of alot of you people and your shit."
    *about half the raid gets removed*

    I am totally confused, but seeing as half the raid is gone, I leave. Then I get a whisper from the other healer.
    Healer "Hope you and your a@# sex buddy get aids."
    Me "wtf?"
    *Healer is ignoring you*

    Absolutely confused beyond measure, but I give up trying to figure out what was going on. I grind a few heroics for badges then clear out my bags before bed. As I clear out my bags I find the healing mace we rolled on. Aparently the raid leader ML'd it to me, and I didn't even notice. So that explained very little of what was going on otherwise. I still have no idea why the RL did that or why everyone exploded at once.

    So, how about you. Strangest or most surreal moment.
    Is this where the header goes?

  2. #2

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    Walking over the cliff at Kologarn doing the ulduar patch with my guild and die. And later on i fail at Mimiron train and fall down and die again, well to say that and after i was getting summoned i was on the field with the running bomb, used Frost nova and kept on running and notice that they follow me, iceblock and kills one of the officers and trial... man that was a bad raid day for me

  3. #3

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    first time i heard sara in ulduar scream, i actually looked out of the window ><
    Quote Originally Posted by SurePlay
    Most Loved : [...] Germans (yea German people are actually awesome, fuck the World War sterotype bullshit)

  4. #4

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    When i found out my 2's partner was my next door neighbor...

  5. #5
    The Lightbringer
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Stings
    Walking over the cliff at Kologarn doing the ulduar patch with my guild and die.
    Reminds me of the first time I did it on my warrior...

    Raidleader: okay pull him but don't charge
    Me: why
    /charges over edge
    Raidleader: that
    Paladin Bash has spoken.

  6. #6

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    Can't think of my weirdest moment, but I know the weirdest one I've heard and it happened to my cousin. Obviously not the conversation word for word but you'll get the idea. Vent Chat...

    <Kara Run>

    Warrior(12yr old kid, seriously): "Hey guys I think my dads dead"
    Raid: "Wait What!?!"
    War: "Yeah he's on the couch foaming at the mouth right now. He's not moving"
    Raid: "Dude you need to go take care of that! Call 911"
    War: "Nah it's ok my brother is taking care of it"
    Raid: "It's ok if you leave"
    War: "The EMTs are here, and my dog is really big and he'll run out of the room if I open the door"
    Raid: "Ummmmm... ok?"

    And throw moments of awkward silence in here and there. Considering his demeanor, and some of his excuses as to why he just kept playing, we figured he was BSing, and he never mentioned it again. Weirdest vent conversation I've heard.

    And it's not weird, but one of my favorite vent moments was actually the first time I went to raid(back in BC). Right when I log into vent....

    Warlock(with a really heavy Russian accent): "...that motherfucker hasn't stopped. He's right outside my apartment and he keeps laughing to loud on his cellphone"
    <a few minutes later>
    Lock: "This guy doesn't stop. I'll be right back"
    <about 5 mins later>
    Lock: "Ok I'm back, but the police might be here soon so I might have to leave"

    lol ;p

  7. #7

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by knightdeath

    Warlock(with a really heavy Russian accent): "...that motherfucker hasn't stopped. He's right outside my apartment and he keeps laughing to loud on his cellphone"
    <a few minutes later>
    Lock: "This guy doesn't stop. I'll be right back"
    <about 5 mins later>
    Lock: "Ok I'm back, but the police might be here soon so I might have to leave"

    lol ;p
    lol'd hardcore

    My weirdest moment was in an AV. Apparently it was lagging and extremely glitchy. Basically what was happening was that whenever we were damaged, our health just regenerated back to normal, and nothing could be captured, and NPC's couldn't be killed because they too were regenerating back to normal. So we were just fighting Alliance non-stop, and it was like God mode was on for all of us. I swear this really happened. It was back in the TBC days.
    Undercity Champion says: "I punched a penguin on my way in here."
    Argent Confessor Paletress says: "Oh, my. Do you feel remorseful, at least?"
    Undercity Champion says: "Nah, not really. I just wanted to see the look on your face."

  8. #8

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    Had one looking abit like Orcbert's. Back in BC, when I had quite recently struck 70, I was doing PvP healing on a priest. A chap asks if I wanna heal SH normal. Naturally, I wanted to, and everything went smooth. We had a little multi-pull where a dps died in the middle, but nothing seriously. Suddenly, two dpses, the one who died, and another who was in his guild, just started walking out. They said they were "demonstrating against my sucky healing" or something like that. Anyway, noone of us other three understood a thing, and the tank said my healing was all fine, so I have no idea why the others left. With Mind vision, I saw them both walking, not running, towards the exit. Anyway, we lol'd, fetched two new dpses and went on. When we downed Bladefist, the thing one of the two dpses needed so badly droped. I lol'd again :^)
    For the monkeys, and for all the rum in the world

  9. #9

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    My weirdest moment was in an AV. Apparently it was lagging and extremely glitchy. Basically what was happening was that whenever we were damaged, our health just regenerated back to normal, and nothing could be captured, and NPC's couldn't be killed because they too were regenerating back to normal. So we were just fighting Alliance non-stop, and it was like God mode was on for all of us. I swear this really happened. It was back in the TBC days.
    i had something happen in AV too but not the same thing.

    ok i go into an av it just started everyone just bolts out and we are geting to the first tower and the realms just crash and everyone logs off and im waiting like 5 mins and i finally get back on.
    now guess what? me and like 8 other guys are outside and it says the BG has not started yet so all 8 of us start caping all the towers we can at alliance base and they cant do anything about it while our team members just joining are cheering us on while they are still in the gates
    so when the game actually starts its about 30 seconds till like 3 of their towers are capped and GYs taken and i cant beleave what just happend and i am willing to bet those allys where vry mad

  10. #10

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    Seeing the floaty gold sellers in Stormwind... thats was a proper Weird Moment... :-\

  11. #11

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    Getting on one of the Alliance boats pre WotLK, not sure when but for some reason there were a ton of people on the boat. After the loading screen the boat ends up sitting on the ground right next to the giant Dalaran bubble in Alterec. We sat there for 4 minutes or so then suddenly the loading screen appeared again and we were arriving to the place we just left from.

    However my favorite weird and surreal moment was when a friend was showing me the game, just running around Stormwind. The timing couldn't have been better as someone ended up kiting Kazzak to SW that day on his realm so I got to watch the destruction first hand. For those of you who never heard about this http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...0251124231965#. The idea that random stuff like this can happen is the reason I bought the game and Kazzak will always be one of my favorite bosses for his ability to completely destroy SW.
    Doom Lord Kazzak for President.

  12. #12

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jacksky
    Seeing the floaty gold sellers in Stormwind... thats was a proper Weird Moment... :-\
    this is it

  13. #13
    Mechagnome Lezarin's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Dublin /Ireland

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    had to be the bugged spirits in karazhan for me ..just after wiping aran ON and are waiting for a shammie to rejoin us he died so was been nice and walking back .
    so outside arans room sitting there drinking etc when all of a sudden the spirits come barrelnig into the group kill only the healers or rezzers then reset and go back up stairs.
    noone in the group aggro,d them etc they jsut came down opend up a can of whoopsass on us and returned .the dps and tanks where quietly amused at this lol.

    Also playing the game for the first time made a wee ikkle orc walked out of oggie bank to be incinerated by a giant soddin dragon (thank god they fixed the kiting bug for that).

    Faith Manages

  14. #14

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    Once I joined an AV where there were no spirit guides or flags... so once you died you remained dead... after about 30 min of laughing while running around dead I /afk... que'd 15 min later AV 7 pops, join, and it's the same one... So next time I remembered not to join AV 7! haha

  15. #15

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zizzagee
    i had something happen in AV too but not the same thing.

    ok i go into an av it just started everyone just bolts out and we are geting to the first tower and the realms just crash and everyone logs off and im waiting like 5 mins and i finally get back on.
    now guess what? me and like 8 other guys are outside and it says the BG has not started yet so all 8 of us start caping all the towers we can at alliance base and they cant do anything about it while our team members just joining are cheering us on while they are still in the gates
    so when the game actually starts its about 30 seconds till like 3 of their towers are capped and GYs taken and i cant beleave what just happend and i am willing to bet those allys where vry mad
    Dear lord, mate, commas are your friend.

    My wierdest moment is probably doing Naxx10, the entire raid got teleported by an unknown force right infront of patchwerk. One by one. And there was nothing anyone could do about it but wait their turn.

    Was quite hysterical. I think I've heard something like this happening to others, too.

  16. #16

    Re: Weirdest WoW moment ever?

    Not weird, more like disturbing.

    It was on my old RP-realm (go figure). In the Goldshire Inn (go figure2).
    There where 2 ferals in kitty form. One was lying down and the other one was positioned behind it and was kept standing up and sitting down really fast to pretend they where having intercourse.

    I logged.

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