1. #1

    Armor changes... meh...

    taken from the front page

    We are also changing the mitigation difference among armor types so that plate doesn’t offer so much more protection than mail, leather, and cloth.


    Personally, i think it would be a wrong move... HECK! I'm wearing 80kg of steel, i should be more protected than a guy goin 'round in a thong :-X

    I really don't understand the reason of this "change" (INB4 "it's not live yet" sh**) ...

    Your opinions?

  2. #2

    Re: Armor changes... meh...

    Not enough RPers to fight this change.. its just a different pants size to most of the population... and now everyone will be wearing the same brand
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  3. #3

    Re: Armor changes... meh...

    Its to even out the cloth/plate issues we've seen. Its for balance only.

    The mentality is; "A rogue hits a Clohtie hard, thus we have to nerf the damage output. But oh look! Now they hit plate for too little, what shall we dooooooo?"

    Balance for the better

  4. #4

    Re: Armor changes... meh...

    it's cool if you wanna take away my ret pallies armor, or make it so my rogue can't 2 shot a clothie(with a shield.) But you have to give my Physical classes as much magical resistence as you, or this armor change is simply unfair.

    In a sense i hit you for 10% less damage because of this armor boost, but your spells hit me for the same amount as before? Fatal flaw number one, more to come as this cracked system develops.
    I'm glad to have multiple personalities, if i didn't i would be talking to myself, and that's just insane.

  5. #5

    Re: Armor changes... meh...

    There is already other threads on this, take it there.

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