1. #1

    Earthfury shoulders

    Let me start this by saying that I understand random loot is random.
    I have been running MC with my friend long enough to have 25 Rag kills. We have seen one of the bindings drop and I'm 7/8 Earthfury. So after doing it tonight and having it not drop again, I decided to look up baron on wowhead just to reassure myself he dropd it. The loot table has it there, but the other set pieces have a 24-27% chance to drop, and the earthfury piece is 0.4%. Has anyone else noticed this? Is wowhead just bugged(and my experience incredibly unlucky?) I haven't put in a ticket yet but I'm about to.

    http://www.wowhead.com/npc=12056 - I thought it was weird I saw his binding drop before those shoulders....apparantly the drop rate is higher >.<

  2. #2

    Re: Earthfury shoulders

    Hey Jagang, Don't worry you aren't the only one that's experienced the hatred of the Barron. Farmed my own hand of raggy with some friends. In fact, helped a friend farm his own hammer as well since I'm after the Waterlords rep.

    Basically, he completed his full set before I could get my shoulders, I started a few months before him...
    I did give up and GM ticket it, was convinced it doesn't drop for alliance shaman or something, the GM just said well
    bad luck old bean, random loot blah blah blah and good luck with your next run...


    Geddon is a pieface :/

  3. #3

    Re: Earthfury shoulders

    I've had the same problem, I've seen Bindings and the Eye of Sulfuras drop more times then the Earthfury Shoulders.

  4. #4

    Re: Earthfury shoulders

    Random loot is random. I managed to farm thunderfury before i got my T1 rogue gloves, a Paladin buddy of mine is still after his gloves. I got those paladin gloves on my first mc run on my alt paladin (while he was on his mage).

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