1. #1

    Will Enhancement in Cataclysm have spells that scale properly?

    Right now we have AGI and INT which allows our spells to scale from primary stats along with our melee - we might need tonnes of INT for 1% spellcrit but it is still there. So maybe they will add some agi>spellcrit talent or mastery? Because as it is the loss of int loses me maybe 11% spellcrit and no melee crit and my melee crit will continue to scale. I'd really hate to roll on gear in Cata and get the "needing AGI over a Hunter? Well half your moves dont even get crit from that!" comments after that.

  2. #2

    Re: Will Enhancement in Cataclysm have spells that scale properly?

    This is one that's been bugging me since they announced hunter focus. If anything I would prefer to have more spellcrit than melee crit, spells are the fun part of our damage to me, white attacks are meh.

    If I had to guess though they're going to ignore the scaling issues and try to "fix" the problem we have with too much melee damage by upping Stormstike and possibly Lava Lash. Even though I agree that SS and LL don't hit hard enough, I'd rather they add shock and LB damage as well, else they risk turning our "utility" shocks (frost and flame) into entirely pointless attacks and messing up our priority queue.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I pity people who have gotten so insensate to disrespect and abuse from repetition that they have elevated being jaded to a virtue.

  3. #3

    Re: Will Enhancement in Cataclysm have spells that scale properly?

    crit rating will still be there :
    by the way... even fully raid buffed, a 25m normal ICC geared enhancer only gets 5-6% spellcrit through int.
    the shaman preview has been one of the most underwhelming and incomplete of the lot, especially from an enhancer point.
    any whine is pointless until we know more about the changes in talents and mechanics.
    10 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. Now we have no Jobs, no Hope and no Cash.

  4. #4

    Re: Will Enhancement in Cataclysm have spells that scale properly?

    Post like this in general are a waste, we simply wont know until we get into beta for it and see some actual numbers

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