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  1. #21

    Re: Guess my Addons!

    Ok, congratulations OP

    I see some major flaws in this pic.

    1. You play a pala
    2. You UI is messed up
    3. You flex with your sassy easy-to-get mount
    4. You play a Blood Elf
    5. You play a Pala (wait, what?)
    6. We don't care about your UI
    7. We don't care about your Add ons
    8. We like different things when it comes to setup of UI
    9. Let's all make a GUESS MY ADD ONS PLEASE threads to flex some more
    10. Do you feel better now? :-*

    Why have an add on looking like ICE HUD, when you have Unitframes?
    Why use Grid, when you're not a healer?
    Why not use the normal Minimap, when it's exactly the same size and the same place?
    What's up with all this Bars? I have 5 spells visual in my UI
    What's the big black box filling half your screen good for?
    Why is your Omen so wide?
    Why are there Gryphons at your Actionbar, when you don't use the regular?
    Why are your buffs that big?
    Why do you have your own buffs show more than 1 place?
    Why do I only see 1 Macro in your action bar?
    Why FU_BAr or whatever it's called the line on top showing your Atlas Loot, BigBrother, etc.
    Why do you show Name Titles?
    And why aren't you running max resolution and max details?

    Wow, thanks.
    That made my day

  2. #22

    Re: Guess my Addons!

    I'm wondering why you have four different unitframe mods,

    Vuhdo, Grid, IceHUD, and Shadowed Unitframes.

    Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator

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