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  1. #101

    Re: Ever try helping someone and get this response?

    OP, title implies there are other responses than that. Please edit.

    Never try to argue with a paladin speccing Reckoning unless he has Prat so you can link Maintankadin. Ever. They will NOT listen to you. Same goes for:

    DK's dual wielding tank weapons.

    I was gonna make a list but I'll just finish it by saying everyone.

  2. #102

    Re: Ever try helping someone and get this response?

    I seldom see 'baddies' while doing any form of group activity. However, I see countless people putting gems in the same colored socket. It's pretty common for me to see a Hunter with a 20 agility, 30 stamina, and 20 crit rating in his leg armor.

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