I'm sure there are tons of posts where people are brainstorming on new cool ideas for Cata, but it's too early in the morning to look for a thread to continue on. I just got to work, and this idea popped in my head and I thought I'd share it before I have some coffee and think it's a stupid idea.

Totem of Static Electricity - Drop this totem at your side or at range and with a click of a button, all enemies within 10 (or 20-30) yards is hurled towards the totem. No damage done, interrupts spell casts. The working spell might be called Static Discharge or something like that (sorta like how Fire Nova works now) with a 6 second cooldown. Totem lasts 5 minutes.

Came up with this idea to maybe work great in both PvE and PvP. In PvE, if you are planning on doing some AoE damage and casters are in the mix, drop this totem to suck them all in, then AoE them all down with maybe Fire Nova, Magma Totem, Thunderstorm, etc.

In PvP, it can be used as a defensive totem. As an elemental, it is sometimes hard to get spell casts off against some melee. Well with this, you can drop it as a melee is charging in at you and run, or drop it range at them. As they approach you, you might get one to two spells off before they are on you. Thunderstorm them back, they start to come at you again, then suck them back to your totem and finish them off. Sorta think of it as an AoE based Death Grip but the targets don't go to you, but to your Static Electricity totem instead.

Since Enhancement Shamans are easily kited in PvP, I thought this totem could work as an offensive totem. Since Mages for example are slippery little buggars that can get to a distance fast and kite you around. Well drop this totem and suck them right back in. ;D

Glyphs might help increase the range or maybe reduce the Static Discharge timer.

I came up with this idea because last night I forgot to put in a dryer sheet when doing laundry and showed up to work with my sock stuck to my pants. : Then thought, "what a great idea for a totem."