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  1. #61

    Re: yogg saron speculation quotes
    When Ner'zhul was transformed into the Lich King by Kil'jaeden, his disembodied spirit was shackled to a magical suit of armor as well as the runeblade Frostmourne, and trapped within an icy tomb called the Frozen Throne. Both the armor and the blade were crafted by the Nathrezim[1] for the purpose of containing and controlling the Lich King.[2]
    Ner'zhul's Plan to Escape
    Ner'zhul was not content with being a pawn for the Burning Legion, however, and began working on a plan for escape. The first stage of his plan was set in motion when he used his powers to push Frostmourne through the ice and out of the Frozen Throne, and plunge it into the snows of Northrend to await one who would claim it and become the Lich King's agent. Ner'zhul found his agent in Arthas Menethil, the young prince of Lordaeron who had come to Northrend in a quest to end the plague.
    When Ner'zhul attempted to escape Draenor, he was immediately apprehended by the demon lord Kil'jaeden, who enacted the blood pact that Ner'zhul had sworn to years earlier. Kil'jaeden ravaged and destroyed his body, but kept his spirit alive and encased it in a block of ice from the Twisting Nether. Kil'jaeden granted him increased power, including that over death itself. Ner'zhul ceased to exist, and the Lich King was created.

    Yogg has nothing to do with Frostmourne. Yogg is not Terenas. Him seeing the future is more believable. Yogg is the god of Death, not Undeath. Yoggy gets off on causing all kinds of death. The Lich King gets off (with a little help from rigor mortis) on creating slaves from the deceased. Other than the fact that Yogg didn't exist in lore in WC3 when the revenants guarded Frostmourne, if they truly are servants of Yogg, it's more plausible that they were guarding it to prevent someone from taking it because of the huge threat it would pose since Yogg can supposedly see the future.
    Quote Originally Posted by Umchilli View Post
    Judging by your time played, I'm not sure you know what outside looks like, let alone school :P

  2. #62

    Re: yogg saron speculation quotes

    the burning legion showed no power over necromancy until the Scourge which is only on Azeroth.
    personally i think it's at least possible that they uncovered the power of necromancy from Yogg-saron, probably by manipulating Saronite, and this is what gave them powers over undeath.

    Yogg-saron got pissed that they'd dare to intrude upon his domain and waged war against them, twisting their own tool, The Lich King, against them. he couldn't finish the job of turning the LK into a servant of his own before we killed LK however

    the arms and armor and the Lich King themselves were all products of the Legion, however it is at least possible, if not probable that the Legion learned these powers from Yogg-saron in the first place.
    “He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”

    Quote Originally Posted by BatteredRose View Post
    They're greedy soulless monsters for not handing me everything for my 15 moneys a month!

  3. #63

    Re: yogg saron speculation quotes'jaeden
    Kil'jaeden, infuriated, knew that the time had come to take matters into his own hands. Recalling the Nathrezim's experiments with undead during the War of the Ancients

    Yogg and the Legion have nothing to do with each other. Necromancy wasn't new to the Legion, just unused. If Yogg Saron had the ability to control undeath, wouldn't Ulduar be full of undead? His power is in corrupting the minds of his targets in order to create destruction and death (not undeath).
    Quote Originally Posted by Umchilli View Post
    Judging by your time played, I'm not sure you know what outside looks like, let alone school :P

  4. #64

    Re: yogg saron speculation quotes

    Just throwing this out there, If Yogg can produce visions of the future...don't you think he saw the fall of the Lich King and probably the quote >_> Just a suggestion.

  5. #65

    Re: yogg saron speculation quotes

    Quote Originally Posted by pillowpants'jaeden
    Kil'jaeden, infuriated, knew that the time had come to take matters into his own hands. Recalling the Nathrezim's experiments with undead during the War of the Ancients

    Yogg and the Legion have nothing to do with each other. Necromancy wasn't new to the Legion, just unused. If Yogg Saron had the ability to control undeath, wouldn't Ulduar be full of undead? His power is in corrupting the minds of his targets in order to create destruction and death (not undeath).
    your point, though valid, annoys me.

    good catch there.
    “He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”

    Quote Originally Posted by BatteredRose View Post
    They're greedy soulless monsters for not handing me everything for my 15 moneys a month!

  6. #66

    Re: yogg saron speculation quotes

    Information in Wrath of the Lich King (see the Tribunal of Ages) reveals that the Titans were actually the first to arrive at Azeroth, where they then put in place the seed races and departed. The Old Gods appeared on Azeroth at a later date and created the Curse of the Flesh to "facilitate assimilation". The Titans returned and found that the Old Gods and their Curse could not be removed without destroying Azeroth as well, so instead they bound the Old Gods, and put in place measures, such as The Forge of Wills to re-create the seed races.
    From this information key points are known.

    A. The old gods are not native to Azeroth, nor are they restricted to Azeroth. They appeared on Azeroth via either the Great Dark or the Twisting Nether. Whatever the case they predate the existence, creation and arrival of the Burning Legion. As Sargeras is listed as having taken part in the fight with the Old Gods on Azeroth, but also credited with the creation of the legion. It would mean that there was a time frame where the Old Gods existed before Sargeras and the Legion.

    B. Not to beat a dead horse but the quote of Harbinger Skyriss rings true with the notion of the Old Gods knowing of the Legion.
    It is a small matter to control the mind of the weak... for I bear allegiance to powers untouched by time, unmoved by fate. No force on this world or beyond harbors the strength to bend our knee... not even the mighty Legion!
    This would mean that the Old Gods are aware of the Legion, rightly so from point A having existed before the creation of the legion.

    Given the way Old Gods twist and distort minds to their will. It is probable that everything in the whole of existence from the point of view of the character is in fact an elaborate scheme by the Old Gods against the titans. Sargeras's fall from grace could be a simple point of Old God whispering that we have seen affect other titan created elements in lore.

    The Curse of Flesh is a curse suffered by some of the descendents of Azeroth's seed races, notably the dwarves and gnomes.[1] The curse changed the structure and appearance of these races from their original stony/metallic forms into the fleshy forms we know of today.
    It is not outside of Lore to suspect that the seeds for the Lich King were planted well beyond the creation of the legion. In the above quote the Curse of Flesh was meant to "facilitate assimilation". The Curse of Flesh is shown by several Lore Elements to remove immortality from titan creations as Titan creations are created normally from stone and earth. If the Curse of flesh was used to remove the immortality of the original races of Azeroth, it is the reason the Lich King's necromantic powers even worked in the first place since if the Curse of Flesh never occurred Necromancy would be a useless power against the World of Azeroth.

    At the bare minimum the Old God facilitated the conditions needed to have a Lich King. At the maximum they created the conditions necessary for the Burning Legion and the Lich King.

  7. #67

    Re: yogg saron speculation quotes

    Quote Originally Posted by Skr
    Then why he fought Arthas in Azjol-Nerub?

    Also, it is canon that the Burning Legion "created" the Lich King(who happened to be Ner'Zhul, and who have nothing to do whatsoever with the Lold Gods) and gave him his powers. And how come Yogg made Arthas start his journey from across half the Azeroth? The events that led him become a Death Knight and later Lich Kings were set in motion long before he even set foot in Northrend. Stop pulling facts out of thin air.
    Let me rephrase what I was trying to say.

    Yogg-Saron had a hand in corrupting the Lich King; probably Ner'zhul to a lesser extent, and Arthas to a larger extent. Though I don't think he wanted them to go around raising all the dead. Furthermore, Yogg-Saron's influence stretches further than Northrend—see the assassination of King Llane.

    Q. What did Yogg-Saron have to do with the Lich King? It seemed like a strange tangent to make in the middle of the expansion?
    A. Did you do the quests in Icecrown? Quick answer: the existence of an Old God in Icecrown had a lot to do with the ability for mortals to become corrupted.
    Yogg-Saron definitely had a hand in Arthas's corruption.

    Edit: Furthermore, yes, the Death Revenants belonged to Yogg-Saron, which is why they told Arthas not to draw the blade.
    God; I hate you people.

  8. #68

    Re: yogg saron speculation quotes

    I was just about to post that. When they were killed, the Death Revenants told Arthas to not draw it, because they were protecting Arthas from the blade.

    Sadly, he did not listen.

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