1. #1

    Oxheart or Fordragon?

    Oxheart or Fordragon Blades for druid tanking? I realize the Oxheart has no agility for avoidance, but carries and extra gem socket, along with more stamina and enough expertise for dodge cap, but the blades carry agility for avoidance and other dps stats for threat. At the moment I have no threat issues, and I'm not a GS /flex'er so I don't mind the lower item level, it's whatever it needs to be to be a better bear.

  2. #2

    Re: Oxheart or Fordragon?

    You're right that Oxheart isn't that well itemized for druids since there's a lack of agility, but going from 232 to 251 would increase your FAP by nearly 500. That's nothing to scoff at. Oxheart would be my choice.

  3. #3

    Re: Oxheart or Fordragon?

    I would go oxheart too. The agi loss is a few percent Dodge but the gain is alot of stamina and expertise. Slap mongoose and 2x 30 sta on it and you're a lucky bear

  4. #4

    Re: Oxheart or Fordragon?

    Indeed, I'm rocking Oxheart currently 'cause of it's high amount of stamina and expertise. The lack of hit is annoying though, hopefully I get heroic Shaft of Glacial Ice soon.

    Salkor - Blood Elf Mage (US Illidan)
    Bottom - Tauren Druid (US Altar of Storms)

    Hunters; The special children amongst retards.

  5. #5

    Re: Oxheart or Fordragon?

    Normally i wouldnt advise going for a strength weapon, but there is a massive difference between a 232 and a 251 weapon. Personally i'd take a trip into ToC 25 and get the staff from the twins, that will be loads better than the oxheart. Other to that, you can always buy / farm the hilt

    Anything ilvl 245 and above with agility will beat the oxheart for bear tanking.

    Edit: Typo

  6. #6

    Re: Oxheart or Fordragon?

    The only reason i am going after Oxheart is to fix my threat in one fight.

    Here is the set: Polar set

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