Dalaran is a city-state/nation. Under it there is a political hierarchy of mages, wizards, and conjurers. We all know that, of course, but what we don't know are the details. We know the culture involves magic, but what of the intricacies that run beneath that general statement? I am here to cast my opinion and light on the matter for lore hounds and curious minds everywhere.

Dalaran's technology is, obviously, centered around magic, specifically the science behind it (hereby termed "arcanology", the study of the arcane). We see it not only in the higher ups of the Violet Citadel but also in everyday lives. Illumination is by means of magical beacons, floating tables, whatever have you. That said, it is likely that Dalaran runs an elementary course for the average citizens on how to operate such devices, and said devices are built so that even the non-gifted in the magical arts can use it. Perhaps, even, there is no such school and instead people grow up learning how to operate such devices as one grows in our reality how to operate a television or computer.

The culture holds academic excellence and intelligence on high esteem. It would as harmful to one's reputation to be be an ignoramus in Dalaran as it would an orc in Stormwind. The reason for this statement is the aforementioned technology: in the hands of the unwitting, they could be come a danger to that individual and those around him or her. Danger aside, Dalaran's value on the virtue of knowledge is cemented by its emphasis on education. No doubt schools are found not only in the city, but probably also throughout the (previously) surrounding region of Alterac prior to the city's destruction and the area's desertion.

The political system is most likely a republic. Dalaran is headed by the Council of Six, which is headed by the current leader, Rhonin, and previously by Archmage Antonidas. It most likely has a political body much like a parliament, though rarely (if at all) mentioned. It'd have the three branches of government, with the Six as the executive branch, the parliament as the legislative, and a judicial branch (just about every faction has its judges). As stated before, education is held in high esteem, and since being educated in Dalaran doubles as being powerful, only the most powerful are in the political system.

Dalaran also sports several agencies, organizations, and traditional awards. In the biography of Archamge Antonidas, it was stated that he was accepted into "Kirin Tor Advanced Research and Illumination Sect" and receiving the "Kirin Tor Sash of Supreme Acumen"(source: http://www.wowwiki.com/The_Archmage_Antonidas_-_Part_I ). We can be assured these are not the only ones in such a complex system.

I would like to encourage people to ponder on not only Dalaran, but the systems of other factions. What do you think would be those little tiny cogs in the big machine that make the society tick? For example, Stormwind's culinary claim to fame is cheese while Mulgore's is bread.