Thread: tuskar's vit

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  1. #21

    Re: tuskar's vit

    Quote Originally Posted by Lohe
    If paying attention was one of your raid members' stronger sides you wouldn't be on LK10 at this point.

  2. #22

    Re: tuskar's vit

    Quote Originally Posted by TOMGC
    Tuskarr's is BiS unless you're an Engineer or in a 0 movement fight - period. Take PP for example. You move out of the oozes and goo faster, you can get to the target of an ooze faster and get away from the brown one more reliably. In phase 3, you'll reach where you want to go faster meaning you can heal sooner. On Lich King defile will grow less, on VDW you'll spend less time running to portals (not healing), on Marrowgar you'll get out of Coldflame and Bone Storm faster, taking less damage.

    Sometimes though, Nitro Boosters will win out... like on Rotface. Icewalker/ 7mp5 might be better on Saurfang... but who knows, those enchants are crap. WTB Cata, i'll have runspeed AND nitro boosters.

    BTW Cat's Swiftness is better for DPS.
    Wait, why are rocket boots good for Rotface especially? Just curious. I use them most often on Putricide (orange) and Dreamwalker (getting to portals) and sometimes princes if I get knocked way the hell out there by someone.

  3. #23

    Re: tuskar's vit

    Quote Originally Posted by Hippykong
    wrong, and you are a douche.

    Most of the WoW population plays on a casual level. and truly casual guilds do not need a run enchant.

    I am in a guild that is on LK in 10 man, and other then those with running speed talents no one has tuskar's. Pay attention, and move WHEN you are supposed and not after, as well as watching what is going on and making sure you are prepared for it (getting everyone healed up or whatever the case may be) when it is time to move.

    As stated before don't play the casual card here, it makes you look like a fool. If the "Hardcores" find that something makes them more effective than something else you should at least listen to their reasoning, decide if it is sound, and make your decision that way. Anything else is what I call a bad player.

    I cannot think of a single fight in the game where anyone would move for a fixed time. Instead you are always moving for a fixed distance. As an example Lady DW drops a DnD on you, you run the minimal distance to get out of it. 8% run speed means you spend 8% less time running. For most casters running means doing little to no dps/healing, so run speed means you spend 8%*(average time spent running) less time doing minimal dps/healing. Going back to my DnD example, it takes a minimum of 1 second to run out of DnD (I could look up the radius, but I'm sure its larger than 7 yards).

    No matter how good your reaction time is, even if you were precognitive, you still need to run the same distance. Tuskarr's allows you to get your next heal off a minimum of .08 seconds faster. Obviously there are fights like DBS where this doesn't enter the equation, but I argue that for most of them it does. I could list off all the fights in ICC where you have to do significant running, but it is easier to list the fights where you don't, DBS. Name any fight besides DBS and I guarantee that the majority of caster DPS and healers will need to do significant running. If anything Melee DPS needs runspeed the least in ICC, but there again it is going to be the best DPS enchant on well over half the fights in the zone.

    As a last example to attempt to illustrate my point I go back to TotC. On Gormak if you are watching his back you can actually see the snowbolds throw the fire at you. It is possible to avoid taking a single tick from that attack, with or without runspeed. There again you still need to run the fixed distance which is the radius of the fire. 8% runspeed means 8% less time running whether you waited for the fire to land or whether you moved while it was flying to you.

    This has nothing to do with not dying to fire, spending less time in the fire is a side benefit to the fact that you spend less time running PERIOD.

    And yes, if your guild all had runspeed you might have downed LK 10 by now, there is A LOT of running to do in that fight. Obviously your casual guild needs a little help to down TLK, maybe you should bring it up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I pity people who have gotten so insensate to disrespect and abuse from repetition that they have elevated being jaded to a virtue.

  4. #24

    Re: tuskar's vit

    I have to say the casual thing is def a non issue here. It's about players who put the effort in vs the lazy and the ignorant.

    I raid for perhaps 3 hours a night on what has been 2-3 nights a week lately, and I'm still doing 10/12 icc hms.

    I don't play much outside of raids, so if 6-9 hours isn't casual for a serious raider, not sure what is. Even at the worst we might hit all 4 nights at 4 hours a night, which falls in the middle of the raiding spectrum, because the real hardcores make alts and do it all week.

    Still, I'll be wearing my tuskarr's until the runspeed talent is out, then I might use another chant. MAYBE.
    Quote Originally Posted by Danund81
    Just SAY IT.* "I'm right you're wrong and I know it because I have the power of a website's link."

  5. #25

    Re: tuskar's vit

    I think in Cataclysm we may see more viable boot enchants. If there was a haste enchant, I would seriously have to reconsider using Tuskarr's - but a tiny amount of MP5 isn't going to make a difference to anything. Tuskarr's is an all round useful enchant that can make a difference if your reaction times aren't perfect which most people's (including my own) aren't. Also even if you do have perfect reaction times, any time spent moving is time not casting, therefore run faster, get away from the bad stuff, stop moving, start casting sooner = good. In the absence of a more useful stat it's an easy choice to make.

    Bring me a haste enchant and perhaps the debate will be more worthwhile ;D In the meantime I will always use Tuskarr's.

  6. #26

    Re: tuskar's vit

    Quote Originally Posted by Fornaw

    I cannot think of a single fight in the game where anyone would move for a fixed time.
    Legion flames/BQL Purple Legion Flames?

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