1. #1

    How to make power auras to show 2 different auras for slam! procs?

    I want Power Auras addon to show a different aura depending if I have the normal Slam! proc with 1 stack and the other Fury 4piece T10 bonus where Slam! procs with 2 stacks. So far I've tried messing with the options and the stack box, but no matter what I do there's no way I can make it work. What it does now is when there's 1 stack, it shows the right aura, but when I get 2 stacks, it shows both the 1 stack and 2 stacks auras at the same time. Please help!

    Edit: Oh yeah both procs have the same exact name so I can't put them under difference names, which would fix my problem and some headaches.
    (Avatar was too big, sorry!)

  2. #2
    make 2 aura's 1 for with and 1 for without the tier 10 proc
    you can then make the tier10 proc show by putting the stack setting at 2.

    aka both aura's are the same but 1 will show with 1 stack of the proc and the other if there 2 stacks of the proc

    atleast thats how i did it. i also made the 2x proc aura show a little text with X2 on it showing me i have slam 2x

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by wrathblade View Post
    make 2 aura's 1 for with and 1 for without the tier 10 proc
    you can then make the tier10 proc show by putting the stack setting at 2.

    aka both aura's are the same but 1 will show with 1 stack of the proc and the other if there 2 stacks of the proc

    atleast thats how i did it. i also made the 2x proc aura show a little text with X2 on it showing me i have slam 2x
    That's exactly what I did, but it still shows both auras at the same time with the 2 stack slam proc. I have the latest version of the addon too.
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  4. #4
    Have two different auras depending on the stack size, like this:

    Version:st3.0.0J; gcd:bofalse; b:nu1; anim1:nu1; g:nu1; optunitn:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; Instance25ManHeroic:nu0; stacksLower:nu0; target:bofalse; icon:st; size:nu0.93000000715256; torsion:nu1; r:nu1; Instance5ManHeroic:nu0; begin:nu0; x:nu63; customsoundend:st; customname:st; groupany:botrue; isAlive:botrue; timerduration:nu0; unitn:st; bufftype:nu1; stacks:nu1; focus:bofalse; Instance10ManHeroic:nu0; raid:bofalse; texture:nu1; alpha:nu0.75; aurastext:stSlam; InstanceBg:nu0; symetrie:nu0; owntex:bofalse; isResting:nu0; duration:nu0; mine:bofalse; multiids:st; inVehicle:bofalse; speed:nu1; Instance5Man:nu0; sound:nu0; spec1:botrue; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; threshold:nu50; exact:bofalse; id:nu25; HideRequest:bofalse; textaura:botrue; Active:bofalse; anim2:nu0; wowtex:bofalse; groupOrSelf:bofalse; customsound:st; soundend:nu0; beginSpin:bofalse; InstanceArena:nu0; inParty:nu0; tooltipCheck:st; GTFO:nu0; aurastextfont:nu6; stance:nu10; spec2:botrue; Instance10Man:nu0; customtex:bofalse; PvP:nu0; Instance25Man:nu0; isSecondary:bofalse; thresholdinvert:bofalse; inRaid:nu0; combat:nu0; Showing:bofalse; UseOldAnimations:bofalse; buffname:stSlam!; y:nu-63; off:bofalse; texmode:nu2; inverse:bofalse; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; party:bofalse; randomcolor:bofalse; finish:nu1
    Version:st3.0.0J; gcd:bofalse; b:nu1; anim1:nu1; g:nu1; optunitn:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; Instance25ManHeroic:nu0; stacksLower:nu0; target:bofalse; icon:st; size:nu0.93000000715256; torsion:nu1; r:nu1; Instance5ManHeroic:nu0; begin:nu0; x:nu63; customsoundend:st; customname:st; groupany:botrue; isAlive:botrue; timerduration:nu0; unitn:st; bufftype:nu1; stacks:nu2; focus:bofalse; Instance10ManHeroic:nu0; raid:bofalse; texture:nu1; alpha:nu0.75; aurastext:stSlam - 2X; InstanceBg:nu0; symetrie:nu0; owntex:bofalse; isResting:nu0; duration:nu0; mine:bofalse; multiids:st; inVehicle:bofalse; speed:nu1; Instance5Man:nu0; sound:nu0; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; spec1:botrue; threshold:nu50; exact:bofalse; id:nu26; HideRequest:bofalse; textaura:botrue; Active:bofalse; anim2:nu0; wowtex:bofalse; groupOrSelf:bofalse; customsound:st; soundend:nu0; beginSpin:bofalse; InstanceArena:nu0; inParty:nu0; tooltipCheck:st; GTFO:nu0; aurastextfont:nu6; stance:nu10; spec2:botrue; Instance10Man:nu0; customtex:bofalse; PvP:nu0; Instance25Man:nu0; isSecondary:bofalse; thresholdinvert:bofalse; inRaid:nu0; combat:nu0; Showing:bofalse; UseOldAnimations:bofalse; buffname:stSlam!; y:nu-63; off:bofalse; texmode:nu2; inverse:bofalse; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; party:bofalse; randomcolor:bofalse; finish:nu1

    Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator

  5. #5
    Alright it works now. I was using your macro at first but then I noticed the stack option works for other auras now that I restarted wow.
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