Thread: Arcane Mage

  1. #1

    Arcane Mage

    um I've only been playing WoW for...almost four months, I've just got my first character to level 80. I'm looking for advise as to how I should set up my gear. I've been arcane since level ten and am not really looking at duel spec just yet (no money ) I'm more inclined towards PVE, dungeons and raiding mostly and I very much want to be able to do ICC trouble is my gear is too low to even get into heroic dungens (Which I was advised is where I should start) Can anyone give me any advice as to which gear I should angle towards. I was thinking a bloodmage set would be good for what I want to aim for but am uncertain as to where to go or if that's even what I should go for. I've only emblems of triumph so far and very very few emblems of frost. Anyways thanks for any help you can give

  2. #2
    the bloodmage set is the tier10 (highest tier in the game, at the moment) starting at item level 251. Chances are you won't be able to get into a group for getting these items until your character's average item level is much closer to that.

    The long and short of gearing up at the end of an expansion pack is generally to buy items from trade/auction house to quickly gear up your character to be ready for heroics (item level 174/184 or higher, being level 78-80 blue items) and then start running heroics a lot to buy the Tier9 pieces through emblems of triumph. Once you have a decent set of those you can start running mid-tier raids to get some more badges to increase other weak spots in your gear until you would be ready to run ice crown citadel (tier10 raid) to get more emblems of frost.

    A great way to get 1 or 2 pieces of Tier10 is to run Vault of Archavon (runnable when your faction controls wintergrasp) in both 10 and 25man fashion (gear up a bit before going here, nobody is going to want to carry a fresh 80 through unless your guild is super nice).

    As for being poor, you better get on that, get a couple professions and start bringing in cash. Do some dailies, get faction reputations up and keep running more heroics. You are going to need money to buy gems/enchants/consumables/etc for your character, so better get used to it. If you don't more than 1k gold by level 80, not sure what you spent all of your money on (hopefully not on items pre-80, as the leveling ones are fine)

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