One thing that has always bugged me about all WoW cities except Ironforge and Ogrimmar is the lack of dedicated dueling areas.

Sometimes I'll have some time to kill in a city and dueling is a nice past-time. I don't understand though, why I must leave a city to do so. You cannot follow the trade-chat any longer or search extra group-members while dueling. In some towns you'll have to walk for a few minutes before you'll even get to an area where you can duel. And then again, these arenas might not really be that suitable for it.

Therefor I request a dedicated dueling area in most major cities, within the city perimeters. OG, SW and IF at least, UC as well for all I care. It can be just a simple empty room, with maybe a few boxes and stuff standing around to LoS. In Ogrimmar I could even imagine a nice sand-pit, not unlike the Gurubashi Arena, just a whole lot smaller.

That way, people who do spend a lot of time dueling wouldn't be so "disconnected" from what's going on.