Thread: Gear Issue.

  1. #1

    Gear Issue.

    So I've been going over the "Warlock BiS" list and it seems to me that as demo or affliction that it would be clipping casts with bloodlust. Like Ridiculously clipping casts. The BiS list has it at 1500+ haste and that just seems like overkill to me. It's the WoWhead link that was posted sometime ago in the mmo-champion warlock thread and the Elitist jerk's page.

    Now what my problem would be is that as Affliction/Demo and I am already sitting on almost 1300 haste, currently not logged out in PvE gear otherwise I would link to my profile. It would seem that anymore haste would be just a complete waste. I talked with another warlock and we discussed DFO(heroic) and Halion Trinket (regular) vs Regular Halion Trinket and Phylactery Heroic. If someone has the numbers for these and could link that would be perfect.

  2. #2
    Hmmmm well what I thought was that haste was not as important after you get around 800 of it. I thought that it was more worth while going for more sp at that point but maybe not.

  3. #3
    I don't have the math handy, but I know for a fact that you aren't clipping anything as Affliction or Demo. SB is no where near clipping under normal circumstances, and since BL is only 45 seconds of an up to 10 minute fight I think it's safe to say that you'll be ok. The only spec that has any real issue is Destro, but that's under both BL and BD. Plus as Demo/Aff you have that glyph of quick decay, making corruption scale endlessly with haste, so the more haste the better. Again, I don't have the math handy, but I know it would take a ridiculous (read: more than even possible to attain) amount of haste to make corruption clip with the glyph.

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