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    The Lightbringer trulte's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Aug 2009

    Dual Bio (story) Lethavien and Grimlock Battle for Arathi

    Ok this is a new fanfic i have worked on, this is just the first parts and it will continue, hopefully. I will try to edit it better and maybe change something when im finished with the whole story and if i have some critical grammar errors im sorry i truly am, english is not my first Language. Also feel free to give any feedback and constructive critique you want, as i really want to become a better writer and improve myself.
    and here is some music from cata http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQNe4...ext=1&index=25 so you can go into what i like to call "Fantasy mode" before you start reading, but feel free to pick any music you like or none at all your choice, and now on to the story

    Chapter 1: Arathi Highlands

    The clouds slowly moved to west over the red and white army of strong, burdened soldiers. Blocking out the burning sun that clung itself onto the darkened sky, soon the green blossoming fields were devoured by the gray weather that moved swiftly over the sky.

    ``Captain Gerald Grayway, do you question me?`` The captains eyes seemed to hide them self in his round face and he looked down, like an ashamed child. He wanted to go against the marshal this one time. His whole body wanted to, but for some obscured reason he could not. ``I said do you question me!?`` The man in a shinning white and red armor stared the captain down, his blue pupils were awaiting an answer.

    ``Sir no, Sir`` The Captain replied in a humble voice.

    ``Good, now see too that the orders are carried out and if any one and i mean any one tries to stop you even if it is your own men, kill them all`` The captain swallowed hard.
    ``Now get to it!`` The commanding voice made the captain jump a little backwards. The last days the Marshal had gone to far in his actions, but why? How did it come to this?

    -A year earlier-

    The healthy green fields seemed to go on forever over the silent and peaceful land of Arathi Highlands, a beautiful sight for anyone who did not seek to destroy it, which far to many had tried to do throughout the ages. But right now peace had finally found its way back to the Eastern Kingdoms.

    ``Leth, why do you insist on standing here looking out over the hills?`` The rasp drunk voice from his friend echoed behind the blond haired man.

    ``And why do you care?`` The drunk friend sighed and burped happily a couple of times before he gave Lethavien a light clap on the shoulder and started walking down to the little farm village. ``Just don't stand there all night!`` He shouted as Lethavien shrugged his shoulders.

    ``Bandits, trolls and green skinned abomination`` Leth sighed heavily ``What happened to the old world were children could play outside without having to watch out for demons coming to eat their hearts``

    Crackling thunder could be heard booming out in the distance. This year's sad season as Lethavien liked to call it had once again reached the farmers out here. Rain, lightning and only corn from last year's rations the next three months. He could hardly believe that he dropped out of Dalaran to help his family with this seasons harvest, he must have gone mad. ``Well why i started at that stupid magic school in the first place i have no idea of anymore`` had it not been for the fact that he were a little gifted with magical powers he would never have gone to that isolated magic capital called Dalaran. It had all gone so well the first months with studying in the giant libraries, sitting outside under the enchanting fruit trees and seeing the great leaders and members of the council go past him from time to time, but still he dreamed of going home to his family. ``Helping my family down on the farm, doing what i need to feel that my father can be proud of me when i take over the family business`` It also seemed like he came back at a perfect time. His father had fallen ill and his two little brothers were far to young to do any of the hard work on the farm.``It's good to be home and it was not a total waste to go to Dalaran`` A smirk appeared around Lethaviens face as a small spark formed in his palm, shooting out tiny bolts of lightning which soon faded out into the refreshing air. ``A weak spell, but still if i use it right i can have a lot of fun with it`` While the smoke danced it's hypnotic dance out into the sky, the young blond haired farmer turned his head around and gazed down on his village.

    It had been built down in the middle of three large grass hills. Shielding itself against most of the strong gusts which could come in from the coast down south, but that did not help at all in the rain season. Far to many times the village had been on the brink of being drowned by all the water, but they had always managed to survive somehow. Lethavien stretched out his hand, he could already feel the small cold rain drops fall down on his light skin.

    The young farmer quickly put his hands down in his pocket and started walking down to the family farm house. The rain would surely keep on the whole night trying once more to drown this place.
    The blond boy walked into the village with his footsteps being the only thing making sound in the little village. It were really just a miracle that this place had not been attacked by the bloodthirsty orcish horde during the second great war and Lethavien dearly hoped that he never had to watch his home be burned to the ground by monsters. He did not know if he could remain sane if he had to watch his family burn inside their own house with him being unable to do anything. He smirked a little as he did not know why he thought about this now, the orcs were beaten they would never become the unstoppable sea of monsters again.

    Chapter 2: A Kings Army

    ``I here by announce that all farmers, villagers and overall citizens of this kingdom are bound to send their oldest son to the recruit camp when they are a age between sixteen and twenty-nine, there they will be trained in combat and serve the king and his army for three whole years. They are then free to go and will get their reward for their services to the kingdom!`` The frail man on the horse with a screaming voice quickly looked over the little group of farmers which had gathered around him and his handful of soldiers. He knew they hated him for this, he knew they hated him with their very guts.

    ``Why do they need hardworking farmers to join up with the soldiers?`` An old man which seemed to have lived far to many Summers and winters asked the messenger in his grumpy voice.

    ``I'm sorry, but we have all our duties for the kingdom or are you all traitors to the king?`` The farmers started to whisper among them self and clearly did not want to be accused for something like that.

    ``Why cant he come down here himself then, and drag out his own people from their houses too send them to war against all different alien monsters, so we can die like the idiots you think we are. You damn ignora-,!!`` A young boy ran over to the old man, quickly covering his wrinkled mouth.

    ``So, do you all refuse to serve your own land? Well, when bandits and trolls comes running down the hill to slaughter your family who is going to protect you? That old man with the filthy mouth?`` The farmers just stood there and stared at the messenger. ``I did not think so, now i want all boys from the age of seventeen to twenty seven, they will sign up here and after that they will get a little time to say goodbye to their family and get their stuff together. Its a long way back to camp!`` One of the soldiers in red and white armor standing at the frail mans side quickly helped him down from his worn out horse.

    Meanwhile Lethavien and his friend stood a few yards away from the soldiers and watched as the families talked with each other. Many of them could not afford to send away any of their young boys, but they could neither refuse. ``This is bad, how are these people supposed to harvest this season without anyone to help them?`` Lethavien uttered.

    ``At least they got a chance if they say yes, you know what happens to traitors`` The two young boys looked over at the half eaten corpse that were hanging in a thin rope right in the middle of the little farm village. ``Not a pretty sight, think about how many of them it will be if we say no`` Lethavien could feel rage grow inside him, but he knew he could do nothing against well trained warriors of the Trollbane army.

    ``Well, it seems like we have to join up``The long skinny boy said while he sighed heavily.

    ``But i can't join them now, my father is ill and in bed, my brothers are not even ten and my mother cant do all the hard work alone``

    ``She got to hire help then, nothing we can do`` Lethavien stroke his blonde hair away from his face, the rage were growing violent inside him now.

    ``So, are you going to make a line or not!?`` The frail man shouted in a harsh voice, the whole village first jumped a little backwards before the young boys quickly made a line. ``Much better, now only give me your names and then you are off to get your stuff and say goodbye``

    While the line slowly became shorter Lethavien turned his head away, as the frail man made him sick. He first saw his mother stand in a group with the other shocked parents that had to watch their sons be forced into the service of the kings army, and then his two little brothers, but instead of giving him sad looks like his mother, they rather looked proud.

    ``Name please?`` The frail man did not give a second to look up at the person that stood infront of him, like he had a way to precious time to afford two seconds on some lousy farmer.

    ``Chuck Ferrow`` The messanger stared at the paper, not moving the pen an inch.

    ``And, something more you wanna say?`` The long slender boy looked confused down on the frail man.
    ``A soldier tend to call those with a higher rank than themself sir..`` The arrogant voice sounded like a spoiled child who were tierd of his new toys and complained to his parents.

    ``Sorry, sir`` The frail man did a signal with his hand and a soldier quickly moved forward and dragged the boy away from the line. Lethavien saw this and hesitated a little at first, but soon took a small step towards the messanger and looked down on him.

    ``Name please?``

    ``Lethavien Brightmantle.. sir`` The messanger seemed to smile under his arrogant expression, but he still gave the signal for a soldier to drag him away from the line.

    ``The old man were right, he is a damn ignorant fool`` Chuck brushed some of the dust of his cloths

    ``Its not like he will stay with us when we reach the camp`` The slender boy gave Lethavien a hopeless look as he marched over to his family. ``Damn this, why now?`` Lethavien looked over at his crying mother, he really did not like this at all.

    Chapter 3: Training

    A day later the group on around fifty new recruits stood before their new captain. An average, brown eyed and middle aged man who seemed more like a scared child than an proud captain of a whole training camp.

    ``My name is Gerald Grayway, but you will all adress to me as sir or captain, understood?``
    The group quickly saluted.

    ``Sir yes, sir`` The captain smirked as he slowly made his way down to inspect them from a close hold, he still seemed some what scared, like he always was on guard. Lethavien also noticed that he had a little scar over his nose most likely a battle-scar from the second war, probably an orc that did it or a troll.

    The captain looked over the new recruits, not saying a word just wiping away some sweat that ran down his forehead, he really gave you the feeling that he did not play around and some of the other recruits seemed already to have a great deal of respect for him which were a great, as all commanders wanted to be shown with respect from their men.

    ``Soldiers! Today starts your training in hell, i want you all to push your weak body until your lying in a pool of your own girlish sweat for then to push it even futher so you will start to sweat your own pathetic blood, understood?`` The group once again saluted.

    ``Sir yes, sir`` The captain nodded before he gave the signal for one of the sergeants to come and instruct them, he had other things to attend to than training some fresh farmers who likely had never seen a weapon or plate armor in their entire life. While the sergeant started his own little speech, Gerald gazed over at a strange horse standing not far away from his tent. His simple brown tent with the Trollbane mark on and a golden lion in the background, he always had enjoyed that mark, made him feel proud about his king, country and to be a part of the grand alliance, how long that would last if the arguing about what should happen to the orcs continued like this. The captain started to make his way over to the horse. The horse were as white as the snow and had only a small dark spot over its left eye, it actually looked like somekind of a fairytale horse that would show up just in time to save the heroes from the dark hordes of demonic monsters..

    ``Who would set their horse outside here?`` The captain walked around the horse a couple of times, but nothing were either on the horse or were lying on the side of it. Gerald scratched his head he could not understand this, he could not understand this at all, usally the horses were in the stable, not here. Suddenly he heard a sharp noise coming from the inside of his own tent right behind him. The captain instantly turned his head around``And who the hell have the right to walse into a captains tent without asking?`` Gerald placed his hand quietly on his silver sword hilt and made sure that it were ready to be unsheathed, if it were spies in there he could not let them get the first strike. His hands started to shake a little as he reached for the opening, he could feel his heart start to beat faster and faster the closer he got. After he felt that he got a good enough grip around the linen cloth he heard a strange slurping noice, like someone were drinking inside ``It can't be``
    The captain took his hand away from the sword hilt and walked in, like nothing had happened.

    ``Ahh, there you are captain`` The broad man with dark brownish hair sat inside the tent and held a bottle of wine in his right hand.

    ``What are you doing here sir?`` The man laughed cheerfully as if he had taken to many drinks already.

    ``I've just come to talk a little, i have the right to do that?`` The captain blushed a little, he were not really used to be with people that had as high rank as this man. `` Don't worry im just kidding, I have come on the behalf of Lord Thoras himself, he wants me to make sure that the troops are in top shape so if there should happen any causalties to this kingdom they would be ready, and that you dont just let them sleep all day and night`` The captains eyes grew a little when he heard that the king himself had sent a marshal.
    ``Also, if you dont mind i could need a handful of soldiers to escort something for me over to Dalaran, got someone to spare?`` The captain stood like a question mark infront of the marshal. ``Its nothing dangerous, just some scrolls and old books`` Gerald quickly snapped out of it and took the bottle of wine out of the marshals hands.

    ``I may got a few, but you need to wait until tomorrow, so if you dont mind you could go and get some rest in one of the old empty commanders tent`` The short haired captain lead the nearly drunk marshal out, he really did not like high ranking people who drank wine as if it were water, for him wine and all other alcoholic drinks seemed like a poison that would destroy you eventually.

    Out in the training fields the recruits were already exhausted, running in a straight line with warm sand up to their waste, the sun boiling them in their thick brown leather armor and a sergeant making them deaf. Two had already passed out and that number seemed like it would rise soon.

    ``Who..*gasp*... had the bright idea to...*gasp*.. do this`` The sand seemed to burn through the leather training armor and Lethavien could feel that he was becoming quite dizzy in his head.

    ``Not me`` The blue, green eyed slender boy said, before he suddenly stopped, waving his hands in the air as his face crashed down in the warm sand, some strange gurgling sounds came from him as a wave of loud laughing washed over the place.

    ``I forgot to say, watch out where you place your foot, there could be some stones down under the sand`` Chuck raised his head slowly up from the sand and gave the sergeant a angry look with golden sand corns still hanging onto his flat face. Lethavien giggled a little and thought he looked like a misformed ogre that had gotten a wooden balista rolled over his face.

    ``NOT FUNNY!``

    ``Bah, weaklings get back on your feets!!`` The sergeant grabbed a small rock and threw it as hard as he could on one of the recruits that were lying in the sand laughing. Chuck saw that the stone missed, but no one were laughing anymore, they had taken the point.

    After a long day out in the training field the recruits could finally start walking back to the camp, never had they thought that the captain were mostly right about the fact that this were really hell. Chuck walked besides Lethavien, still some of the golden sand corns were hanging onto his face, but at least no one were laughing anymore.

    When the camp started to appear infront of them they all felt a sign of relief, first day in hell was finally over. The brown small tents stood in perfect lines on both sides, making the road just big enough for two people to walk side by side, it was like if the tents were standing in line ready to be inspected by a commander. After passing hundreds of tents they finally reached their own, but in compared to all the other tents, theirs looked like a pile of junk.

    ``I want them all cleaned up and ready for inspection tomorrow before sunrise, also make sure that your armor is presentable, the marshal wants to do an inspection on the new recruits`` The sergeant smiled in his snake like expression. That man was the perfect example of a slave driver. Sly,cunning and not afraid of beating a man to death for the laughs. Lethavien got chills by only looking at the thin man, something about him said danger or trouble.

    Chapter 4: The Dalaran Escort

    The marshal walked back and forth inside his tent, he could not sleep, the objects that needed to be escorted to Dalaran made him restless. ``Damn wizards, damn them all to hell`` The night had fallen upon the world and the darkness had crept out from the various caves and pits that were scattered around in the small world. ``Why could not that damned wizard have gathered these things himself`` The marshal took another sip of his half empty wine bottle. ``Taking away my precious time`` The marshals eyes seemed to shift between sleeping and being awake, for a whole week this quest had kept him out of bed and now that wizard wanted more? The marshal took a long gulp from the bottle. ``Lazy old bastard`` The broad man stumbled a little around before he slammed the bottle in the nearby table in his drunk rage so the blood red wine were splashed out over his cloths ``DAMN!`` He cursed a little before he quietly sat himself down in his bed, he could not be drunk and inspect at the same time, but he could neither sleep. ``I will kill that son of a bitch if i ever see him`` The marshal kept looking at the entrance into the tent as he sat in the bed, he could swear that the darkness outside were like knocking on the linen cloth, wanting to get in for some reason. `` Great now im becoming mad too.... The marshal laid his head down on his soft pillow, still though he could hear the wind trying to bring the tent down.This was like a nightmare, but he knew that he was not asleep now. ``I hate this place, i hate this position, i hate magic and all its forms`` A loud grunt came from the old tent.

    As the dawn approached, the light vanquish the darkness on its way over the world. Another day had started, as the night retreated.

    Gerald stood inside the marshals tent with a suprised and confused look on his face
    ``But marshal they have only been here for one day, why would you want fresh farmers to protect the escort?``

    ``There is nothing on the road to Dalaran that would attack an escort guarded by the kings army, even if these fresh ones cant even swing a sword, they only need to look like soldiers to keep all bandits and other things away from the road``

    ``Still if someone attacked, what could they do to protect it?``

    ``I said that would never happen, no one would be stupid enough to try!`` The captain backed up a little, the shouting voice from the marshal made him a bit nervous.

    ``But, they need more training before they can go out on missions``

    ``What training would they need when they are just going to walk besides a carriage dragged by horses?``

    ``But, bu-.`` The captain tried to say something, but the words died half way up.

    ``Now i will pick out ten of your fresh recruits understood?`` The marshal tilted his head a little to the side so he could see the captain nod before he left.

    ``Why send and lose trained soldiers, when you can send lowly farmers and only lose some books and scrolls, at least then that wizard could get another to deliver him those damned scrolls and books and stop waisting my time`` A grim smile formed around the marshals mouth, tonight he would sleep well.

    ``This is absurd, sending fresh farmers out on a mission like this!?" The captain walked down the road to the training area. "How can the marshal think this is a good idea?" A few soldiers saluted the captain as he passed them. "I dearly hope the marshal is not sending ten fresh ones into their deaths, that would not exactly help the farmers view of the king and his army"

    Ok that was the first 4 chapters, they are mostly just character development. The action will come though. And i hope i did not suck to much in my English and writing style.

    But i hope you liked these first parts, i will maybe take away some of the more useless parts as it may have become a little to long.
    And now i wont manage to post anything this weekend as i will be gone, so i hope to post something either on Monday or later that week
    Last edited by trulte; 2011-01-06 at 11:27 PM.

  2. #2
    The Lightbringer trulte's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Aug 2009
    Chapter 5: Inspection

    ``Get up you lazy cowards, the marshal will be here any moment now!” The sergeant yelled. Quickly the recruits jumped out of their tents.

    ``Will he never talk with a normal voice`` Chuck complained as they all made a line in front of the slim man.

    ``Now when the marshal arrives I want you all to show him proper respect, no talking when your not asked, no objections against his orders and no questions, understood?``

    ``Sir yes, sir``

    ``Good`` The sergeant looked over the line of fresh pulps, he tried to see if anyone had forgotten to clean up their armor, but it seemed like no one had. Though he did notice that a few of them were more interested in talking than paying attention to what was happening in front of them.

    ``Hey Chuck, do you think the marshal is a small mommy's boy or an old crippled blind one?`` Lethavien whispered.

    ``Probably a little squealing coward`` They both smiled.

    `` *cough* Anything you two in the middle there would like to share with all of us?`` The sergeant stood with his arms crossed, looking directly into Lethaviens eyes.

    ``Not really sir``

    ``But did you not say something to your friend?``

    ``Well, ye-.``

    `` If he can survive hearing it, we all can right?`` The sergeant hunched his neck a little forward.

    ``You have no interest in hearing that anyway sir, it would only bore you, sir``

    ``Ooh, but you see everything my soldiers say is interesting for me`` Lethavien tried to come up with something that would not get him beheaded, but nothing he thought of made sense.

    ``So, what was it?``

    ``Ehh....`` The young recruit stood there like a moron, scratching his forehead.

    ``Do you go against my orders?`` The sergeants voice got a deeper more serious tone to it.

    ``No, no, no, n-.``

    ``Then what did you whisper into your friend's ears?``

    As the sergeant stood there with his mean looking expression, A strong hand suddenly grabbed the sergeant's shoulder and pulled him backwards.

    ``Enough of this sergeant, its nothing important anyway``

    ``But, ah..``

    ``What is it sergeant? Something wrong?`` The broad man in a red glowing armor stared the sergeant down.

    ``No, of course not sir`` The slim, thin man backed away.

    ``So this is the new warriors for the kings army huh?``

    ``Yes marshal``

    ``They look rather, weak``

    ``They have only been here a day sir``

    ``Well one should have thought that the farmers would want strong sons helping them, not people like this`` The marshal pointed out on the line of recruits while some small grunts could be heard.

    ``Well maybe the farmers thought they would not ne-.`` The marshal interrupted the sergeant with a wave of his hand.

    ``Be quiet`` The strict voice made the sergeant take a few more steps away from him.

    ``Yes sir``

    ``Now you all think I'm here to inspect you right?``

    The recruits saluted

    ``Sir yes, sir``

    ``Well, that's not the entire truth`` The marshal coughed a little before he continued.

    ``I'm here to pick out ten of you to make sure that some items are delivered safely to the magical city of Dalaran`` The recruits looked with confused eyes at the marshal, they go to Dalaran?

    ``This is no joke weaklings, so any volunteers?`` The recruits just stood there, not moving or saying anything.

    ``How sad, then I have to pick them out myself`` The marshal looked over all the recruits, grumbling for himself.

    ``Dalaran, I cant go back there, if they see me I, I.. `` Lethavien stared at the broad man with big eyes as he stood and looked out over the recruits. He could not be picked for this mission it would ruin everything.

    ``They're all looking so pity full, I bet that nearly all of these farmers would run with their wispy little tails between their legs at the first sight of any trouble`` The marshal had just picked two till now, and he needed eight more? This would take longer than he first thought.

    A few minutes passed as the marshal just stood there, gazing out over the recruits. With the same neutral look on his sharp face. Lethavien felt the sweat run down as his body shook nervously

    ``Why am I shaking, it's not like he would pick me out, I don't look particularly strong``

    `` I can smell the stench of magic in here, someone is not the farmer they seem to be`` The marshal placed his arms in cross behind his back.

    ``Why are the marshal walking over here...``

    ``The magical brat is not far away, I can taste it`` As the marshal sniffed around trying to find the source. Lethavien wiped away some more sweat that ran down his face.

    The marshal looked like a dog who had lost its master as he sniffed around in the air, he was like trying to find the source of something.

    ``He is here, yes this feeling is not to be mistaken off`` Suddenly the big man in the red armor started to pushed his way through the ranks. Lethavien saw the broad man approach him and it did not seem like he was very happy.

    ``Not good`` Lethavien started to take a few steps backwards as the marshal pushed his way through the recruits making his way towards the blond farmer. After taking a few steps backwards Lethavien felt the warm breath of another recruit down his neck . ``Damn``

    ``You, Blondy!`` The marshal pointed at Lethavien with a grin around his face.

    ``Your are going to join this mission`` The marshal smiled for himself,while looking into the eyes of that whelp that seemed to have seen ghost. Somehow this made him smile even more.

    ``Sir, if i can say anything i think that-,``

    ``And your friend can come along too, he seems to be a little restless`` The smile around the marshal's face grew. If these recruits would fall out on the road, well why not send their friends along with them. The marshal saw that this made the blond one start to sweat even more and the magic aura around him grew in strength.

    ``If he really have run away from his magic class. I'm sure the wizards will more than likely take him in again, if he does not perish on the way of course`` The broad man chuckled for himself.

    ``But, bu-,``

    ``Get out of the line you two``

    ``But Ma-,``


    ``Y-, yes sir`` The blond haired boy quietly made his way around the big man.

    This took much more time than i first though,

    Well hope you all enjoy next part
    and i will still edit and re-write a little when im done with the whole story

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